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BOOK 93 P.1UE 19 <br />RE -ADOPTION OF APRIL 5TH CHANGES (RECOMMENDED BY STAFF) <br />A. Section 913.06(1)(C) is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />"(1) Unlawful activity. It shall be unlawful and subject to <br />penalties provided herein for any person to: <br />(C) Divide property after December 8, 1973 by any means where a <br />resulting lot W does not have frontage on: a dedicated <br />public right-o.f-way, private platted right-of-way (street), or <br />a roadway historically and currently maintained b the county, <br />as referenced on the county road grading map, - of at <br />least: <br />1. Sixty (60) continuous -feet, unless exempted under section <br />913.06(2); or unless the lot fronts upon a cul-de-sac or <br />curve and meets the requirements of section 913.09(6)(C), <br />for properties located within the A-1, A-2, A-3, Con -2, <br />Con -3, RFD and RS -1 zoning districts; <br />2. The minimum lot width of the zoning district applicable <br />to the lot(s) created for properties located within <br />zoning districts other than those referenced in the <br />above paragraph 1., unless exempted under section <br />913.06(2), or unless the lot fronts upon a cul-de-sac or <br />curve and meets the rei4uirements of section 913.09(6)(c). <br />Access, ingress/egress, or other easements shall not be <br />deemed to constitute a publicly dedicated road right-of- <br />way unless previously dedicated to and accepted by the <br />county. <br />Note: Parcels created between September 21, 1990 and <br />December 4, 1991 are subject to the sixty ( 60 ) continuous <br />feet (rather than a minimum lot width) frontage <br />requirement, regardless of the zoning district in which <br />the property is located. <br />*B. Section 912.06(3)(C) is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />(C) <br />after December 8, 1973 by any means where a <br />I does not have frontage on a dedicated public <br />1. Sixty (60) continuous feet, unless exempted under section <br />912.06(2), or unless the lot fronts upon a cul-de-sac or <br />curve and meets the requirements of section 913.09(6)(C), <br />for properties located within the A-1, A-2, A-3, Con -2, <br />Con -3, RFD and RS -1 zoning districts; <br />2. The minimum lot width of the zoning district aDDlicable <br />to the lot(s) created for properties located within <br />zoning districts other than those referenced in the <br />above paragraph 1., unless exempted under section <br />912.06(2), or unless the lot fronts upon a cul-de-sac or <br />curve and meets the requirements of section 913.09(6)(c). <br />Access, ingress/egress, or other easements shall not be <br />deemed to constitute a publicly dedicated road right-of- <br />way unless previously dedicated to and accepted by the <br />county. <br />24 <br />August 15, 1994 <br />