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APTIM April 11, 2018 <br />` Page 5 of 10 <br />Task, APTIM will notify the County, and a mutually-agreeable change order or additional Work Order will be <br />executed. <br />The ECL notification expenses include: <br />1) $12,000 for the cost to send certified mail notifications of the public workshop/hearing to all riparian <br />property owners located within 1,000 feet of the proposed ECL. This assumes an estimated cost of $5 per <br />notification sent via certified mail and approximately 2,000 notifications to be sent, for a total of $10,000. <br />An additional 20% is added for uncertainty of mailing cost and number of notifications to be sent. <br />2)- $600 for the cost to publish notifications of the public workshop/hearing in a local newspaper once a week <br />for three consecutive weeks prior to the workshop/hearing. This assumes publication in a single <br />newspaper three times at an estimated cost of $200 per advertisement. <br />Task 4: Cost <br />The lump sum cost for this task is $12,600.00. <br />Task 5: Pre -Construction Biological Monitoring <br />The Biological Monitoring Plan developed for the Sector 5 project during permitting will require pre- and post - <br />construction biological monitoring adjacent to the project area to monitor for potential secondary impacts to <br />nearshore natural hardbottom. This task addresses the scope of work to complete the pre -construction biological <br />monitoring, and is based on early coordination with FDEP and the FDEP Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for <br />Nearshore Monitoring of Beach Nourishment Projects (FDEP, 2016). If additional or expanded tasks are identified <br />by the regulatory agencies during the permitting process, APTIM will notify the County, and a mutually -agreeable <br />change order or additional Work Order will be executed. <br />The pre -construction nearshore hardbottom monitoring includes: <br />1) Hardbottom edge mapping <br />2) Installing and monitoring permanent transects <br />Task 5: Scope of Work <br />• Hardbottom Edge Mapping: <br />APTIM shall map the position of the nearshore hardbottom edge for the entire Sector 5 project area, including <br />1000 feet north (updrift) and 2000 feet south (downdrift) of the project area (R-69 to R-88) for a length of <br />approximately 3.6 miles. A buoy with a Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) antenna linked to a topside <br />laptop computer running HYPACK navigational software will be towed by divers to record the position of the <br />nearshore hardbottom edge. The divers will follow the inshore contour of the most prominent hardbottom-sand <br />border. The purpose of the survey is to provide a comparison for post -construction edge delineations. <br />• Installing and Monitoring Permanent Transects: <br />Eighteen (18) transects shall be established along the length of project influence, which includes 1000 feet north <br />(updrift) and 2000 feet south (downdrift). This includes eleven (11) biological monitoring transects spaced <br />IRC Sector 5 — 2018029 — W0#1: Pre -Construction Services Proj. #631236907 <br />