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3. Amendment or Withdrawal of Bids. <br />a. Bid Amendments Prior to Opening. Any bidder may voluntarily <br />withdraw or amend the bid at any time prior to the bid opening in person, or by <br />written notice received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the bid opening. <br />Amendments shall be forwarded to the Purchasing Division prior to bid opening, <br />sealed and identified with the bid number. <br />b. Bid Amendments after Opening. After bid opening, bidders may not <br />amend their bid. Bids shall remain in effect and binding upon the bidder for a <br />period of sixty days, or such other time period specified in the bid documents. <br />C. Withdrawal of Bids. If, within 24 hours after Bids are opened, any <br />bidder files a duly signed written notice with Owner and promptly thereafter <br />demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there was a material <br />and substantial mistake in the preparation of its Bid, that bidder may withdraw its <br />bid and bid security will be returned. Thereafter, if the work is rebid, that bidder <br />may be disqualified from further bidding on the work. <br />#: d. Negotiation. If less than two bids are received, the Purchasing <br />Division, on behalf of the Department, may negotiate on the best terms and <br />conditions, prior to recommendation of award. <br />4.3 AWARD <br />A. Award Authority. A .bid shall be awarded by written notice to the lowest <br />responsible and responsive bidder. Awards not exceeding $25,000 may be awarded by the <br />Purchasing Manager; awards not. exceeding $50,000 may be awarded by the County <br />Administrator; and, awards exceeding $50,000 shall be awarded by the Board. The Board is <br />authorized to waive technicalities and irregularities and to reject any and all bids, or any portion of <br />a bid. After an award is made, the Purchasing Manager shall issue a purchase order or a "Notice <br />of Award" as applicable. If, within 60 days after bids are opened, or within such other time period <br />specified in the bid documents, the bid of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder is <br />withdrawn or not honored, the County may award the bid to the next lowest responsible and <br />responsive bidder. After 60 days or such other time period specified in the bid documents, the <br />Board may award to the next lowest responsible and responsive bidder only if the next lowest <br />responsible and responsive bidder agrees, in writing, to extension of the bid price for the <br />additional period of time. These processes may be repeated until an award is made to a <br />responsible and responsive bidder. <br />B. Tie Bids. If two or more bidders are tied after review by the Originating <br />Department, in accordance with section 287.087 of the Florida Statutes, preference shall be given <br />to the bidder with a Drug Free Workplace Program. In cases where a tie still exists, the Board shall <br />award to the bidder identified as the most responsible bidder based upon any other relevant <br />factors. If a tie still exists, the winning bidder shall be determined by coin flip. The bidder whose <br />43 <br />