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CR 512 RESURFACING - FROM MYRTLE ST. To 125m AvE. Page -4- <br />IRC PRoJEcr No. 1305 <br />AACE Proposal No. P18-1117 <br />Drilled Shaft and Anchor Bolt Inspections and Testing <br />► Senior Field Technician (Structural Steel Unit Rate) <br />- Pre -Drilled Shaft Construction Meeting. 4 hours @ $65.00/hour ........................... $260.00 <br />- Drilled Shaft Inspections: 4 Shafts @ 10 hours/shaft @ $65.00/hour....................... $2,600.00 <br />- Bolted Connections: 4 visits x 6 hours/visit @ $65.00/hour .............................. $1,560.00 <br />[NOTE: Since the contractor's proposed assembly methodology is currently unknown, we have assumed that <br />separate technician -visits will be required for each of the four (4) anchor assemblies, and also for each of the <br />four (4) mast -arm connections (for a total of 8 technician -visits). Further, we have assumed that a bucket truck <br />will be available for our use. Finally, we have budgeted limited standby time during this effort in the event that <br />MOT requires adjusting, the bucket truck is delayed, etc. However, we have assumed that all inspections will <br />occur during normal working hours/days (M -F, 7am-5pm). <br />Professional/Administrative Man-hours (Engineering Consultations, Limited Progress Meetings, Reporting, etc.): <br />► Senior Project Engineer (kick-off, pre -con, pre -drilled shaft mtgs., etc.); 30 hours @ $110.00/hr.. $3,300.00 <br />► Technical Secretary; 10 hours @ $45.00/ hr ............................................... $450.00 <br />Anticipated Not -to -Exceed Budget . $23,245.00 <br />- Balance of page intentionally left blank - <br />