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1. <br />0 <br />11 <br />0 <br />257 <br />of said municipalities respectively and such bulkhead line is herewith accepted and adopted <br />by this Board as its bulkhead line within the territorial area of each of such municipalities. <br />Said bulkhead line is shown upon the attached "Exhibit A" Which consists of sheets 1 through 4, <br />inclusive, of United States Department of Commerce Coast and Geodetic Survey Map. The <br />line is the inked line superimposed on said map. For the purpose of clarification, the follow-` <br />ing definition and explanations are made a part, to -wit: <br />The shore line is defined as being the law sand escarpment upon which the ordinary <br />tides fluctuate usually being at or near the vegetation line. When tides are referred to they <br />mean the United States Coast and Geodetic Data as further established by tide gauge data of the. <br />Corps of Engineers of the United States Army. The shore line is ordinarily the means high <br />water mark of the regular and ordinary tides. Shore indentations may be'straightened out by <br />following cords in a straight line from the outermost point to the outermost point provided <br />the cord does not have a link of more than 300 feet and provided that this rule will not per- <br />mit the blocking or interfering with channels or the free flow of waters. <br />The area consisting of the east side of the Indian River from.the Sebastian Inlet <br />to the north county line, the bulkhead line is the line 25 feet west from the shore line. <br />The area on the east side of the Indian River from the north county line to the <br />Wabasso Bridge, the existing shore line is the bulkhead line except beginning in the area of <br />the big Slough and North Hole and South Hole near the North County line, the bulkhead line <br />goes South across the North Hole and South Hole following a line 1320 feet West and parallel to <br />the East line of Section 4, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, continuing to the South shore <br />of the Big Slough and then following the shore line, provided, however, there shall be two <br />150 foot wide channels left open which said channels are described as follows: <br />In Government Lot 1, of Section 4, 31/39 the following description <br />is the ¢ of a required 150' wide canal: <br />Point of beginning is 500* west of the N.E. corner of Section 4 <br />along North line of Section 4, thence due South 612.34, thence due <br />west and being 551.17' north of south line of Government Lot 1, <br />section 4 and for a distance of 895', thence due south and a <br />distance of 476.17' being 1395' east of east line of Section 4, <br />thence due West as further described in property deed of W. L. <br />Graham, Jr. and Non Fitler Graham, his wife, Deed Book 109, page 164. <br />Further in Government Lots 2 and 3 of Section 4, 31/39 the ¢ of a <br />150' canal is described as follows: <br />Point of beginning is 606.08' west of the S.E. corner of Government <br />Lot 3, Section 4 on the South line of Government Lot 3 Section 4; • <br />thence on a bearing of N. 45 degrees West a distance of approximately <br />990' to point on the bearing above described to•line 1395' parallel <br />to go west df the east line of Section 4. .Then due North to a point <br />75' West of N.W. corner of Government Lot 3 and 75' North of N.W. <br />corner of Government Lot 3, which is the point that the canal turns <br />West as described above in Government Lot 1. <br />On all islands in the Indian River the bulkhead line shall be the existing shoreline. <br />On the East shore of the Indian River from the Wabasso Bridge South to the Town <br />of Indian River Shores the bulkhead line will follow the existing shoreline. <br />The area on the West side of the river from the North City limits of the City of <br />to the mouth of the Sebastian River, the bulkhead line is established as 250 feet <br />of the center line of the existing U.S. #1 Highway. <br />