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Prepare draft responses to requests for information from prospective bidders. Prepare responses <br />for addenda to interpret, clarify or expand the contract documents <br />CONSULTANT will contact up to two references of the apparent low bid contractor to assess <br />qualifications. <br />Prepare a conformed set of drawings and specifications incorporating revisions from addenda <br />during the bidding phase. <br />COUNTY to confirm bids are compliant with the bid requirements. COUNTY to provide compiled <br />Microsoft Excel file with each bidder's cost information. Alternative equipment proposed by potential <br />bidders will not be evaluated by CONSULTANT during the bidding process. <br />Deliverables: <br />• Written responses to questions received during bidding process via email <br />• Bid evaluation letter <br />• Conformed documents (final pdf digitally signed and sealed) <br />2.6 Task 6 — Construction Management Services <br />The following construction phase services are predicated on one construction contract with an estimated <br />6 -month construction duration to substantial completion. Full-time onsite observation of construction or <br />resident project representative (RPR) services are not included. <br />2.6.1 Meetings and Site Visits <br />The CONSULTANT shall arrange and lead a construction kickoff meeting, during which the COUNTY, the <br />CONSULTANT and the contractor shall discuss project requirements, define responsibilities, and receive <br />the contractor's plan to complete the work. The CONSULTANT shall conduct up to six 4 -hour site visits <br />during the replacement of the pumps to confirm the work appears to be proceeding in accordance with the <br />design. Upon substantial completion of the work, the CONSULTANT shall conduct a site visit with the <br />Contractor and COUNTY to develop a punch list of outstanding work items. Upon completion of the work, <br />the CONSULTANT shall conduct a final site visit to confirm the work is in conformance with the contract <br />documents. The CONSULTANT shall submit a summary report following each site visit. <br />2.6.2 Construction Administration <br />The contractor will prepare shop drawings for the selected equipment and other components of the work <br />as specified in the contract documents. These shop -drawing submittals will be reviewed by the <br />CONSULTANT for compliance with the design concept and contract requirements. The CONSULTANT <br />shall provide a recommendation on the submittal to the OWNER. <br />