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EXHIBIT #1 <br />Work Order Number 14 <br />Bulk Acid Tank Replacement <br />At Hobart Water Treatment Plant <br />P RO.I ECT UNDERSTANDING <br />The existing bulk sulfuric acid tank at the Hobart Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment <br />Plant (ROWTP) is more than 10 years old and at the end of its service life, and therefore, <br />replacement of the tank is necessary. Since the acid demands have been reduced in the <br />feed water with the use of alternative scale inhibitors, a smaller sized bulk tank is <br />suggested. Associated piping and containment coatings should also be addressed as part <br />of the tank replacement. The scope of work consists of review and inspection of the <br />existing tank conditions and site, preparation of design plans and specifications for a new <br />tank and associated supply piping, coordination with FDEP, and bidding. <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Task 1: Review Existing Conditions <br />Consultant will review existing tank and piping at the Hobart ROWTP and evaluate <br />options for a replacement tank. Consultant will develop a phasing plan to allow <br />replacement of the existing tank without interrupting service. <br />Task 2: Design Plans and Specification <br />Consultant will prepare plans and specifications for a replacement tank. Plans will <br />consist of a site plan, tank supports, piping, tie-in details, and general details. Photos may <br />be used to depict details. It is anticipated that approximately four (4) drawings will be <br />prepared <br />Specifications will be prepared and consist of the replacement tank, associated piping, <br />coating of existing containment area, and demolition of existing tank. <br />Consultant will provide 90% plans and specifications for review and comment as well as <br />final plans and specifications for construction. Drawings will be provided in electronic <br />(Pdf — portable document format) form. <br />Task 3: Coordination <br />Consultant will prepare a letter of notification to Florida Department of Environmental <br />Protection (FDEP) regarding tank replacement. It is assumed that a FDEP permit is not <br />required for the tank replacement, but that justification for a reduced size tank will be <br />necessary. <br />K:\WPB_Civil\044572048 - South RO Plant Improvements\Scope\20190708 Hobart Acid Tank Scope.docx Page 1 of 3 <br />