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• Cleaning system (2-3 sheets) <br />• Dual high service pump discharge piping and replacement piping (2-4 sheets) <br />• Process and instrumentation diagrams (10-12 sheets) <br />• Construction details (9-10 sheets) <br />• Electrical drawings (24-30 sheets) <br />• Network Diagrams (3-5 sheets) <br />The documents will be prepared and be used in advertising for bids. Consultant will <br />utilize base drawings and sketches prepared in 2012 of RO trains depicting the scope of <br />work on each of the membrane treatment trains and process room. <br />Consultant will prepare design drawings, specifications, and opinion of probable <br />construction costs (OPCC) at the 60%, 90%, and bidding phase design intervals. <br />Consultant will attend review meetings with IRCU staff, and incorporate agreed upon <br />comments into subsequent progress drawings and specifications. Specifications will be <br />provided in the 16 -division format as defined by the Construction Specifications Institute <br />(CSI). <br />Consultant will prepare limited use topographic survey of the water plant site that <br />encompasses the piping from the storage tanks to the treatment building, and from the <br />building west to the finish water main. It is assumed all work will be constructed on the <br />water plant site and County owned land. The survey scope for the plant sites consists of <br />the following items: <br />• Obtain existing elevations within a 100 -ft radius <br />• Location of the existing above ground structures and equipment, and soft -dig <br />locations at the water treatment plant site. <br />• County established bench marks will be used for elevation reference. <br />• The vertical datum elevations will be referenced to NAVD 88 datum. <br />• Horizontal datum to be NAD 83/90 <br />Consultant will coordinate and provide up to ten (10) subsurface investigations using <br />soft -dig technique for anticipated U/G conflicts near the U/G piping as described herein. <br />Consultant will provide a topographic survey of the project site in electronic form (PDF) <br />and six (6) copies 2406 size drawings. <br />Consultant will provide up to 10 soft -digs for underground piping locations. <br />Task 3 — Permitting <br />Consultant will prepare a FDEP permit application FDEP Form 62-555.900(1), <br />Application for a Specific Permit to Construct PWS Components for a minor <br />modification to the RO water plant without an increase in rated plant capacity. IRCU <br />will submit $1,000 permit application fee directly to FDEP. <br />F:\Utilities\UTILITY - Engineering\WATER\WTP - South RO\19-1115 South RO Water Treatment Plant <br />Improvements\Admin\Oslo WTP Water Plant Improvements 11.25.19.docx <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />