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3/2/2021 10:58:24 AM
Creation date
5/20/2020 9:51:09 AM
Official Documents
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Work Order
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Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
Beach and Dune Renourishment Project Sector 3
Pre-Construction Services
Work Order No. 2018006-7
Sector 3 (Wabasso Beach)
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1 A P T I M April 3, 2020 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />each phase of the work in as expeditious a manner as possible. <br />Task 4: Cost <br />The lump sum cost for this task is $8,097.00 <br />Task 5: Pre -Construction Design Update <br />Task 5: Scope of Work and Deliverables <br />The County will conduct a pre -construction survey of the project area during regularly scheduled <br />monitoring in the summer of 2020. APTIM will overlay the bid template on the updated survey data and <br />calculate the required fill volume. The updated fill volume will likely differ from the bid volume due to <br />natural changes in the beach profile since the design survey was conducted. APTIM will discuss the <br />updated fill volume with the County and revise the construction template to meet the County's budget <br />and align with the permit conditions. A revised template for each pay profile will be provided to the <br />Contractor via email. The County will be copied on correspondence regarding the design update. <br />Task 5: Schedule <br />The schedule of task specific deliverables is provided in the Scope of Work for this task. An overall fixed <br />schedule cannot be developed as it is unknown when the surveys will be collected. APTIM will attempt <br />to execute each phase of the work in as expeditious a manner as possible. <br />Task 5: Cost <br />The lump sum cost for this task is $7,516.00. <br />Task 6: Coordination with Sector 7 Beach and Dune Restoration Project <br />Task 6: Scope of Work and Deliverables <br />It is APTIM's understanding that the County intends to construct the Sector 3 and Sector 7 projects <br />concurrently. As a result, the County has requested that dredging and/or truck haul requirements within <br />the technical specifications for the two projects do not contain conflicting requirements. Under this task, <br />APTIM will coordinate with the County and the County's consultant for the Sector 7 project to ensure that <br />the project specifications for the two projects do not conflict. For the cost associated with this task, it is <br />assumed that APTIM will update and/or coordinate updates to technical specifications for the Sector 3 <br />project. It is also assumed that one (1) coordination meeting between APTIM, the County, and the <br />County's consultant for the Sector 7 project will be required. Any changes required to the technical <br />specifications will be incorporated prior to bid advertisement. <br />Task 6: Schedule <br />The schedule of task specific deliverables is provided in the Scope of Work for this task. An overall fixed <br />schedule cannot be developed as it is unknown when coordination with the Sector 7 project team will <br />occur. However, APTIM will incorporate any changes required to the technical specifications prior to bid <br />advertisement. <br />IRC Sector 3 — 2018006 — WO#7: Pre -Construction Services <br />
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