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Mr. Himanshu H. Mehta, P.E. <br />25 September 2020 <br />Page 8 <br />application of engineered phytoremediation techniques as a potential remedial approach. The <br />temporary piezometers will be constructed of 2 -inch (in.) schedule (SCH) 40 poly -vinyl chloride <br />(PVC) well materials including a 10 -slot (0.001 -in.) screen including a 20/30 graded silica sand <br />filter pack, 30/65 graded silica sand seal and cement grout slurry to surface. The completion: <br />interval of the temporary piezometers`: will be based upon the groundwater screening results. <br />Each temporary piezometer will be completed with an above ground protective casing and three. <br />steel bollards. Each temporary piezometer will be developed for a period of one hour either prior` <br />to grouting or at least 24 hours after grouting. Slug testing will be completed at each of the three: <br />(3) new temporary piezometers to estimate the aquifer permeability which is needed to evaluate. <br />the groundwater velocity to assess remedial alternatives including groundwater extraction via <br />Tree Well phytoremediation technology._ <br />A single round of groundwater samples will be collected from each of the three (3) new, <br />temporary piezometers for the parameters as required by paragraphs 62-701.510(5)(a) and (c), <br />F.A.C., and will also include TN and TP. Additionally, a groundwater sample from each <br />temporary piezometer will be submitted to ServiTech for analysis of select groundwater. <br />agronomic test parameters to evaluate the feasibility of the application of engineered <br />phytoremediation techniques as a potential remedial approach. The intention is to collect the <br />temporary piezometer groundwater samples during the October 2020 quarterly C&D debris <br />disposal facility assessment monitoring event. Any subsequent sampling at the three (3): <br />temporary piezometers will be included in a subsequent proposal for the 2021 water -quality:; <br />compliance monitoring program. <br />The result of the supplement groundwater assessment will be summarized in a technical <br />memorandum which will include: <br />1. Summary of field methods; <br />2. Summary of field and analytical laboratory results; <br />3. Evaluation of remedial options including feasibility of groundwater extraction via <br />Tree Well phytoremediation technology; and <br />4. Recommendation for path forward for remediation. <br />Geosyntec will oversee the DPT groundwater screening and HSA soil sampling and temporary <br />piezometer installation. The subcontracted driller will be JAEE of Davie, Florida. Geosyntec <br />2 Groundwater agronomic parameters to be analyzed by ServiTech will include: nitrate -nitrogen, chloride, sulfate - <br />sulfur, carbonate, bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, boron, total hardness, total dissolved solids, <br />alkalinity, electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), adjusted SAR (SARa), sodium, % of cations, <br />water pH, pHc, nutrients in Ib/acre-foot, potassium as K20, ammonia, phosphorus as P205, total nitrogen (Calc), <br />total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen. <br />NCP2020 3158/JL200925 2020 Compliance Monitoring Proposal <br />
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