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ATRJE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION' ON LAST PAW <br />J,R. SMITH, CLERK <br />TASK 1; CERTIFICATION OF COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT STAFF <br />A. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT STAFF <br />Each County Emergency Management Agency must annually certify their commitment to employ and <br />maintain either a Full-time Director or Part-time Coordinator consistent with Rule 2713-19.005(4) and (5), <br />Florida Administrative Code. <br />Pursuant to section 252.38(1)(c), Florida Statutes, the County Emergency Management Agency shall <br />perform emergency management functions throughout the territorial limits of the county in which it is <br />organized. Additionally, the County Emergency Management Agency shall conduct such activities <br />outside its territorial limits as required by law and in accordance with state and county emergency <br />management plans and mutual aid agreements. <br />The County Emergency Management Agency shall serve as liaison for and coordinator of municipalities' <br />requests for state and federal assistance during post -disaster emergency operations. If the Recipient is a <br />county with a population of 75,000 or more, then the Recipient shall employ a full-time county emergency <br />management director. If the Recipient is a county with a population less than 75,000, or if the Recipient is <br />a county that is a party to an inter jurisdictional emergency management agreement entered into pursuant <br />to section 252.38(3)(b), Florida Statutes then the Recipient shall employ either: <br />• An Emergency Management Coordinator who works at least twenty (20) hours a week in that <br />capacity; or, <br />• A full-time director <br />In order to demonstrate successful completion of all required tasks for Quarter 1, the Recipient must <br />submit the following items in the Division's SharePoint portal or WebEOC: <br />DELIVERABLES: <br />• The Division Exhibit 4, certification letter for the full-time Emergency Management Director or <br />part-time Coordinator, in accordance with Rule 27P-19.004, Florida Administrative Code each <br />quarter; <br />• The Division Form 4 -- Staffing Detail and position descriptions for funded emergency <br />management staff; <br />• A Quarteriv Report as outlined in Quarterly Reports (Attachment A(3)); and <br />• The full-time Emergency Management Director's or part-time Coordinator's certified timesheets <br />orap Vstubs. <br />Reporting Requirements: <br />Supporting Documentation: Invoices, receipts, paystubs, earning statements, cancelled checks, credit <br />card statements, bank statements for proof of payment at least equal to the amount of reimbursement <br />requested for this quarter. <br />