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Indian River County Purchasing Division <br /> <br />ADDENDUM NO. <br />Issue Date: <br />Project Name: <br />Bid Number: <br />Bid Opening Date: <br />3 <br />January 22, 2021 <br />66th Ave Widening (49th St to 69th St) — IRC -1505 <br />2021018 <br />February 3, 2021 <br />This addendum is being released to provide pre-bid meeting minutes, and answer questions received to <br />date. The information and documents containedlin this addendum are hereby incorporated in the <br />invitation to bid. This addendum must be acknowledged where indicated on the bid form, or the bid will <br />be declared non-responsive. j <br />Questions and Answers <br />1. It is possible to receive the "itemized bid schedule" in excel file? <br />Yes, provided with Addendum No.3. <br />2. Would the County consider making each of the asphalt thicknesses the same for both projects, 1A & 113? <br />Yes, we will consider this at a later time, bidding shall done per bid documents. <br />3. Can existing spot elevations or contours lines be provided for detention areas 9A, 9B & 10 so volume take offs <br />can be performed? <br />Existing spot elevations available in the detention areas were included in the cad files that have been <br />included. From the roadway cross sections in the areas of the detention areas the average existing <br />elevations are as follows 20.5 (Det Area 9A), 20.3 (Det Area 9B), and 20.0 (Det Area 10). <br />4. Will the same thickness of asphalt shown on the roadway typical sections be laid on the precast bridge decks? <br />Phase 1A Bridges: The bridges are set to accept a maximum of 1.5" of asphalt and it is suggested that we use <br />1.25" of SP 9.5 to match the final lift as shown on.the typical sections. <br />Phase 1B Bridges: No, due to the camber associated with the precast prestressed bridge decks the paving <br />thickness will vary. Refer to Sheet B-22 within the Structures Contract Plans for information relative to <br />paving thickness on the proposed bridge decks. <br />5. Will the County please provide an asbestos report for the removal of the 2 dwellings. <br />There is no dwelling to be removed. <br />