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Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Award of Bid No. 2021018 for Construction of 66th Ave Roadway Widening
(49th St. to 69th Street),
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Addendum 3 - 20210122 <br />6. On Phase 1B plans, 65th street has totals (sheet no. 177) for subsoil excavation total of 363 CY and channel <br />exaction of 425 CY but this is not depicted on the plans. Same goes for 69th street (sheet no. 197), giving a total. <br />subsoil exaction of 352 CY. Please advise. <br />To support the installation of the sub -lateral canal enclosures, it is anticipated that unsuitable materials will <br />need to be removed from the sub -lateral canal. bottom and replaced with FDOT select materials. Please refer <br />to pay item footnote 120-4 on Sheet No. 12 within the Roadway Contract Plans. <br />7. RCP between S-1008 and S-1007 on page 4 is labeled as 18", but in the Summary of Quantities on page 14 it is <br />24". Please clarify the intended RCP size. <br />Correct pipe size is 24" <br />8. RCP between WCS-10 and Canal A-10 on page 7 is labeled as 24", but on the Summary of Quantities on page 17. <br />it is 30". Please clarify the intended RCP size. <br />Correct pipe size is 30" <br />Please provide specifications for CAP and BCCAP drainage pipe to be installed per roadway drawings in phase <br />1A and 16. <br />There is only CAP on the Phase 1A plans and the specification for that is included in Section 945 of the FDOT <br />Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. <br />Within Phase 16 there is no BCCAP drainage pipe identified. The corrugated aluminum pipe (CAP) identified <br />within Phase 1B shall be in accordance with FDOT specifications Section 945. <br />10. Reference Phase 1B Structures Plan sheets B-5, B-6, B-1.2, B-13 and B-14; precast concrete sheet panels type A <br />and type B are referenced. Provide pay items under which these will be paid for Bridges at 61st and 65th street. <br />The concrete panels are paid for as Class II Concrete (Substructure) and Reinforcing Steel (Substructure). <br />Please refer to Structures Contract Plans General Note G. Materials and End Bend Details (3 of 3), Sheet B-14 <br />for additional information. <br />11. Bid Form item no. 400-2-10 Class 11 Concrete and 415-1-9 Reinforcing Steel for the Approach Slabs Phase IA - <br />Bridge at North Relief Canal are lump sum, unlike all other approach slab concrete and reinforcement on the <br />project. Can the CY of concrete and LB of reinforcement for this approach slab be provided? Can these items be <br />unit price items as other approach slabs? <br />Prices will stay as Lump Sum, and include 262 CY of concrete in the approach slabs and 53,000 lbs of steel <br />reinforcement. <br />12. There are no As -built drawings for existing bridges in the bid package. Please provide as-builts needed to <br />estimate demolition of existing structures. <br />Available as -built drawings for the 57th bridge are attached. As -built drawings for other bridges are not <br />available. We have included the latest FDOT inspection reports for additional information. <br />13. Could you .please provide plans for existing bridges called to be removed in the plans? <br />See answer for Question 12. <br />14. Will item 102-4 Subsoil Excavation be paid for as'a measured quantity or plan quantity? <br />It is intended that subsoil excavation will be paid for as a field measured quantity. <br />
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