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5/6/2021 12:38:34 PM
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5/6/2021 12:26:36 PM
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Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Award of Bid No. 2021018 for Construction of 66th Ave Roadway Widening
(49th St. to 69th Street),
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Addendum 3 - 20210122 <br />15. Reference Phase 1B 66th Avenue Cross Sections. Stations requiring Subsoil Excavation for 66th Avenue show <br />the Subsoil Excavation as a separate quantity, yet the Regular Excavation quantity also includes the Subsoil <br />Excavation. For example, on Sheet 133 — Station 437+00.00, the Subsoil Excavation area of 68.42 is also <br />included in the Regular Excavation quantity of 115.29. This goes for both the area and volume quantities. <br />Please confirm whether the Regular Excavation should or should not include the Subsoil Excavation. <br />The identified excavation quantity includes removal of unsuitable material as well as any suitable material <br />located above the identified unsuitable material. The subsoil quantity is identified as the material to be <br />removed and disposed of. The replacement material cost should be included within the subsoil excavation, <br />as identified in the pre-bid meeting as well as pay item footnote 120-4. <br />16. Reference Phase 1A 66th Avenue Roadway Plans. Are there existing grades available for the proposed <br />Detention Areas? Plans do not show existing grades for these areas, please provide. <br />Existing spot elevations are available in the detention areas were included in the cad files that have been <br />provided. From the roadway cross sections in the areas of the detention areas the average existing <br />elevations are as follows 20.5 (Det Area 9A), 20.3 (Det Area 96), and 20.0 (Det Area 10). <br />17. The 1A roadway plays shows color treated stamped concrete on the approach slabs and deck of North relief <br />canal bridge. Does the quantity on the roadway portion of the bid schedule, 3,160 SY item 0532-2, include this <br />area or is it paid as part of the 127 CY of Class II concrete for bridge item 400-2-4? <br />Although not specifically called out as colored concrete, the quantity for median concrete on the approach <br />slabs and bridge are included in the Class II quantities for the bridge. The colored concrete quantity for other <br />areas of the median are included on the roadway quantities. <br />18. Will you provide the itemized bid schedule in Excel format for bidding purposes? <br />Yes, provided with Addendum No.3. <br />19. Please provide the skimmer detail for structures SS -122, SS -201, SS -222, SS -305, & SS -334. <br />The proposed skimmers shall meet the material specifications as per FDOT Index No. 240 and are intended to <br />have skimmers on all four sides on referenced structures. As such the contractor will need to submit a <br />proposed skimmer attachment detail with the drainage shop drawings. <br />Attachments: <br />Meeting Minutes of Pre -Bid Meeting held on 01-13-2021 including Sign -In sheet <br />Itemized Bid Sheet in fillable version <br />CADD files <br />Bridge Inspection Reports for 53rd, 57th, 61St, 65th and 691h Bridge <br />57th Street over Lateral "A" Canal Bridge Plans <br />Indian River Farms Water Control District Permits U-21-03 and 21-04 <br />
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