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5/6/2021 12:38:34 PM
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5/6/2021 12:26:36 PM
Official Documents
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Agenda Item Number
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Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Award of Bid No. 2021018 for Construction of 66th Ave Roadway Widening
(49th St. to 69th Street),
Project Number
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Addendum 5 - 20210205 <br />At one time bedding stone was contemplated to be utilized in conjunction with the ditch rubble riprap, <br />but has subsequently been removed from the proposed improvements. No bedding stone is identified to <br />be included with the proposed revetment. <br />51. The bridge plans for 53rd Street over Lateral "A" canal and 66th Ave. over North Relief Canal both require <br />Neoprene bearing pads, but there is no pay item provided. Please provide pay items for which these will be <br />paid for. <br />The contract unit prices for the pre -stressed precast units shall include the post tensioning tendons, <br />anchor assemblies, neoprene bearing pads, pre -molded expansion material, epoxy grout and non -shrink <br />grout. <br />S2. The bridge plans for 53rd Street over Lateral "A" canal, 57th Street over Lateral "A" canal and 66th Ave. <br />over North Relief Canal all require Bridge Expansion Joints, but there is no pay item provided. Please <br />provide pay items for which these will be paid for. <br />The contract unit prices for the pre -stressed precast units shall include the post tensioning tendons, <br />anchor assemblies, neoprene bearing pads, pre -molded expansion material, epoxy grout and non -shrink <br />grout. <br />53. Addendum 3 did not include the FDOT bridge inspection report for the 66th Ave. bridge over the North <br />Relief Canal. Please provide the latest report for this bridge. <br />Bridge Inspection Report for Structure ID 880006 has been included with Addendum 5. <br />54. The bridge plans for 53rd Street over Lateral "A" canal and 66th Ave. over North Relief Canal both require <br />Post Tensioning for the Prestressed Deck Units, but there is no pay item provided. Please provide pay items <br />for which this will be paid for. <br />The contract unit prices for the pre -stressed precast units shall include the post tensioning tendons, <br />anchor assemblies, neoprene bearing pads, pre -molded expansion material, epoxy grout and non -shrink <br />grout. <br />55. At the pre-bid meeting, it was stated that no houses within the project limits will be demolished. Under <br />Phase 1A bid items 0110 3 Removal of Existing Structures (Dwelling) there is a quantity of two listed. Are <br />these locations to be ignored? If not please provide additional information on these locations (not visible to <br />the public). <br />The Pay Item Number 0110 3 has been deleted. The itemized bid schedule has been revised accordingly. <br />56. Reference the following two (2) contract documents, <br />• Section 01009—Special Provisions, 1.1 General, B. "Furnish sufficient labor, construction equipment <br />and materials, and work such hours, including night shifts and overtime operations, as may be necessary to <br />insure the prosecution of the work in accordance with the approved progress schedule." <br />• Page 325 of 326, Indian River County, Traffic Engineering Division Special Conditions, #7. "There shall <br />be no construction work after dark." <br />Is the Contractor allowed to work nights and weekends? <br />Regular work hours for Indian River County are defined Monday through Friday 7AM to SPM, excluding <br />Indian River County Holidays except in case of emergency or upon specific permission of the Engineer. <br />Please see Section 0800 Supplementary Conditions to the General Conditions, SC -6.02 Labor; Working <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />
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