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discussions between the County,the Town,and the City. I don't know how we enter into any kind <br /> of an agreement with the City at this rate. <br /> Ms. Lawson said but, if I understand it correctly,I mean the goal here for you and for everyone is <br /> to make sure that the South Beach customers or any of our customers pay the best rates and that <br /> they're treated fairly and thattheir rates are sustainable. Without having seen the results of our <br /> rate study and with the comments you just made about programmed CPI increases, etc., it's kind <br /> of hard to prejudge whether your rates across the next five(5)to seven(7)years are actually going <br /> to be better for those customers than ours without having seen the results of our rate study and I <br /> think we're all after the same thing,which is to make sure that your customers and our customers <br /> get treated fairly and have bills that are reasonable and receive the right service for that amount of <br /> money. That would be my only comment. <br /> Mr. Brown said and again, I'm not claiming that the County rates are going to be cheaper than <br /> City rates. That seems to be what the City is worried about because obviously if County rates are <br /> higher than City rates in the future it should be no harm to the City. One (1) of the things that <br /> we're looking at is certainty. It's the same issue with Florida Power and Light(FPL), I hear this <br /> "taxation without representation." They don't get to vote for City Council, the City gets to set <br /> rates, there is a transfer, not just the GNA charges, the transfer from the utility to help subsidize <br /> the operation of the City, which is something that creates concern for them. I appreciate that you <br /> guys had an analysis done that talked about the potential rate impact of that. Thank you for sending <br /> that over. I recall there being some increase in rates. It wasn't tremendous. <br /> Ms. Lawson said it was like 10-years of about$17. <br /> Mr. Brown said okay, $17. I did make a footnote in there that said this was based on City <br /> ratepayers so I don't know what that meant for unincorporated areas and the Town, what the <br /> assumptions were. Was the assumption that all those rates would go to the City? <br /> Ms. Lawson said it was broad-based for all ratepayers. <br /> Mr.Brown said okay,because there was a footnote in there that seemed to indicate that it was City <br /> ratepayers. <br /> Ms. Lawson said it was based on the entire customer base. <br /> Mr. Brown said so this would be a$17 raise assuming ... <br /> Ms. Lawson said$17.66 I think it was, at a very high level across everyone without a detailed rate <br /> study, yes. <br /> Mr. Brown said and again, this isn't our rates versus your rates thing of who's higher or lower. <br /> One(1)of the concerns of our constituents is they have no ability to affect the City Council through <br /> 6 07/22/21 Conflict Resolution <br />