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Board of County Commissioners
1989 Territorial Agreement
Conflict Resolution
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election and they are beholding to the City's rates and they know that they have the ability to <br /> impact the County Commission if there is a rate situation there so it goes back to the whole taxation <br /> without representation. They feel that they're not represented and they're beating up on us and <br /> we're getting pounded by them. I have sympathy for them because they're saying nobody's <br /> representing us and they're outside the City so that's natural, but I do also see kind of a lack of <br /> consideration for their concerns is what they feel and I can't say that's wrong. <br /> Mr. Falls told Mr. Brown that he didn't intend for him to feel like you got a sermon at their last <br /> meeting. I really didn't. But with that being said, all the things that I brought to table the last time <br /> we met were true and accurate. It was just a historical of how we got to where we were because <br /> there were people that were watching that don't have the same access to information that we do. <br /> So I think it was important for them do that. Again, we thought when you said at the end of your <br /> framework that you wanted to make sure that the South Beach residents paid same rates as the <br /> Shores customers and we want all of our customers to pay a rate that reflects operating of our <br /> utility. So,that's where we are headed and we're going to try to get there so that we can build this <br /> Water Reclamation Facility. It is our understanding thatthe whole community wants,not just the <br /> people in our service territory. So, that's what our point is. <br /> Ms. Lawson said I hear what you're saying too about them beating up on you and I will tell you <br /> this, if I'm part of this, I know we can commit to making sure that rate making,that rate study and <br /> all the conversation around it is completely open and transparent and involves you guys to <br /> whatever degree that you feel is appropriate. That's not a problem at all and again,I wish we could <br /> hold our comments about how that affects your ratepayers in abeyance. I think we have the same <br /> rate consultant, in that you don't make one (1) giant increase and then level off and that kind of <br /> thing. You do transition it in if there is going to be a rate increase so there is no shock to the <br /> system for anyone. Certainly as we move through that process, I will commit to making sure that <br /> it is open and transparent to those customers and to you and any of your staff as we can make it. <br /> Mr. Reingold said what I have been told today is if the doesn't come to a resolution with us to this <br /> 164 I'm going to sue you for breach of contract and what you also said today is we're willing to <br /> be sued by the Town of Indian River Shores for breach of contract for this deal. I just can't fathom <br /> how you sit here and makes those arguments to us. <br /> Mr. Turner said we're not here to explain out necessarily our legal position in the case, but these <br /> are two (2) different issues. We're here on a 164 matter on the 1989 agreement and you're <br /> agreement with the City as to the service territory and what our contract is with the Town of Indian <br /> River Shores is totally different. It's not the same. <br /> Mr. Reingold said I agree, but the same principle ... <br /> Mr.Turner said but your saying you want to enforce this and you want to breach that. Well they're <br /> totally different legal issues involved Mr. Reingold and I think you recognize that. I think it's <br /> 7 07/22/21 Conflict Resolution <br />
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