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materials, devices and safeguards, now existing or hereafter installed, <br />shall be maintained in a safe condition. The owner or his designated <br />agent shall be responsible for such maintenance. <br />Section 6. ELECTRICAL, INSTALLATION OR MAINTENANCE <br />BY HOME OWNER. Nothing in this code shall prevent any home owner <br />from installing or maintaining electrical wiring apparatus or equip- <br />ment within his own property boundaries, provided such electrical <br />work Is done by himself and IS LISC(I exclusively by him or his family. <br />Such privilege does not convey the right to violate any of the provisions <br />of this code, nor is it to be construed as exempting any property owner <br />from obtaining a permit and paying the required fees therefor. <br />Section 7. ORGANIZA'rION. There is hereby established a <br />division of the Building Department to be called the E'Rectrical Division, <br />which shall be in charge of the County Bui Idi rig Official. <br />Section S. INSPEGI'OR.S. The County Building Official, with <br />the approval of the Chief Appointing Authority, may appoint such num- <br />ber of officers, inspectors, assistants and other employee s as shall <br />be authorized from time to time. No person shall be appointcd as <br />electrical inspector who has not tiad at least ten (10) years' experi- <br />ence as an electrical inspector, journeyman electrician, master <br />electrtclan or competent mechanic in cliarge of electrical construction. <br />Section 9. DEPUTY. The Building Official may designate as <br />his deputy an eniployce in the department who shall, during the absence <br />or disability of the Building Official, exercise all of the powers of the <br />Building Official. <br />Section 10. RESTRICTIONS ON EMPLOYEES. No officer or <br />employee connected with the department, except one whose only con- <br />nection is as a member of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, shall <br />be financially interested in the furnishing of labor, material or appli- <br />ances for the construction, alteration or maintenance of electrical <br />