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INTRODUCTION <br />Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or <br />national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. As a direct recipient of <br />federal public transportation funds, Indian River County is required to submit a Title VI update to the <br />Federal Transit Administration (FTA). This update includes the level and quality of transit service provided <br />for minority and low-income areas and also system -wide environmental justice policies and procedures. <br />This update is submitted to the FTA every three years and is intended to demonstrate compliance with <br />Title VI requirements. <br />The purpose of this Title VI program is to assure that no person is excluded from participating in, denied <br />the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial <br />assistance from the FTA, on grounds of race, color, or national origin. This report will detail policies and <br />procedures for ensuring Title VI compliance. <br />This program is consistent with FTA Circular 4702.16, dated October 1, 2012. <br />TITLE VI PROGRAM CHECKLIST <br />The following checklist addresses Title VI reporting requirements for all recipients as described in FTA <br />Circular 4702.18: <br />1. Title VI Notice to the Public, including a list of locations where the notice is posted <br />✓ Pages 9, 23 <br />2. Title VI Complaint Procedures <br />✓ Page 9 <br />3. Title VI Complaint Form <br />✓ Page 24 <br />4. List of transit -related Title VI investigations, complaints, and lawsuits <br />✓ Page 10 <br />5. Public Participation Plan, including information about outreach methods to engage minority and <br />limited English proficient populations (LEP), as well as a summary of outreach efforts made since <br />the last Title VI Program submission <br />✓ Page 10 <br />6. Language Assistance Plan for providing language assistance to persons with limited English <br />proficiency (LEP), based on the DOT LEP Guidance <br />Title VI Program (2023 Update) Page 6 <br />