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Mr. Himanshu Mehta, P. E. <br />28 March 2023 <br />Page 4 <br />For the purpose of this budget estimate, Geosyntec has included four meetings: (i) one kickoff <br />meeting with SWDD (and Republic, if possible); (ii) one meeting with the SWDD Board, if <br />requested by SWDD; (iii) one progress review meeting with SWDD; and (iv) one final review <br />meeting with SWDD to present the Construction Documents and the construction cost estimate. <br />Additional meetings are addressed in the remaining phases of this proposal. <br />Phase 2 — Review of Background Documents <br />Geosyntec designed and permitted the Segment 3 lateral expansion in 2010 and followed up with <br />the construction documents, contractor procurement support, and construction certification <br />services for the 11 -acre Cell 1 from 2012 to 2013. The original Segment 3 liner and leachate <br />control system design utilized sideslope risers and submersible pumps to convey leachate from <br />the leachate collection system (LCS) and leak detection system (LDS) pumps via force main to <br />leachate treatment and disposal facility. In January 2018, CDM Smith, retained by SWDD, <br />submitted a permit modification application to FDEP to include a gravity LCS and LDS that <br />conveys leachate to a new pump station located north of the Class I Landfill. This permit <br />modification application was approved by FDEP, and Cell 2 was constructed with this gravity <br />LCS and LDS systems with liner penetrations to the pump station. It is also understood that the <br />new pump station was designed and constructed to handle the combined leachate from Cells 2, 3, <br />and 4 of Segment 3. <br />Therefore, under this phase Geosyntec will review the following documents and drawings for the <br />preparation of Cell 3 liner construction: <br />• "Application for an Intermediate Permit Modification for a Class Landfill Permit Nos. <br />0128769 -022 -SC & 0128769 -023 -SO, Indian River County Landfill, Indian River <br />County, Florida", prepared by CDM Smith, dated January 26, 2018; <br />• Construction Drawings for Segment 3 Cell 2 Expansion, Segment 2 Partial Closure, and <br />Landfill Gas System Expansion, dated January 2018; <br />• As -built Survey Drawings for Cell 2 construction including new leachate force main and <br />pump station, Octoberl6, 2019; and <br />• "Subsurface Soil Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation, Proposed <br />Segment No. 3 Cell 3, Indian River County Class Landfill, Indian River County, <br />Florida", prepared by Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated January 25, <br />2023. <br />NCP2323092UL23017 Cell 3 Liner Contractor Procurement <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />