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Last modified
5/1/2023 11:41:18 AM
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5/1/2023 11:41:09 AM
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Authorizing the Chairman to sign an Agreement with the State of Florida Dept.
of Community Affairs under the Florida Financial Assistance for Community Services Act.
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1 <br />(d) Upon reasonable notice, the Grantee shall provide such additional <br />40 program reports or information as required by the Department. <br />(e) The Grantee shall provide a Final Grant Close -Out Report due <br />forty-five (45) calendar days after the termination of this agreement. This <br />Close -Out Report will consist of a Summary Page, a Final Financial Status <br />® Report and a Final Program Activity Report. Any non -accrued expenses or <br />residual funds remaining at the termination of this Agreement shall revert <br />to the Department as part of the Close -Out Procedures and shall be due and <br />payable no later than December 31, 1986. Failure to comply with this <br />provision may jeopardize future agreements and/or payments due from the <br />Department. The third and fourth payments on existing CSTF agreements will <br />automatically be withheld if an audit and/or refund check is not received by <br />the December 31 deadline. <br />®� <br />(f) The Grantee shall make the Final Contract Close -Out Report <br />available to citizens, upon request, and at no charge, and shall make public <br />notice of the report and its availability at the time it is submitted to the <br />Department. <br />(10) MONITORING, EVALUATION, AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE <br />(a) The Grantee shall constantly monitor its performance under this <br />Agreement to ensure that time schedules are being met, projected program <br />activities are being accomplished within specified time periods, and other <br />performance goals are being achieved. This review shall be made for each <br />program, function, or activity set forth in Attacbment A. <br />(b) The Department shall perform monitoring and evaluation activities <br />within limitations of staff time and budget, as may be necessary to assure <br />Grantee fiscal and program compliance and progress. Training and technical <br />assistance shall be provided by the Department, within limits of staff time <br />and budget, upon written request from the Grantee and/or upon a <br />determination by the Department of Grantee need. <br />(c) The Grantee shall allow the Department to carry out monitoring, <br />evaluation, and technical assistance and shall assure the cooperation of its <br />employees, and of any Delegates with which the Grantee contracts <br />to carry out CSTF program activities. <br />(11) DELEGATE AGENCIES <br />(a) Grantee may delegate to other agencies responsibility for the <br />performance of activities and services under this Agreement. Such <br />delegates shall be identified in Attachment A. <br />(b) Delegates undertaking or carrying out CSTF activities under this <br />Agreement shall do so in conformance with the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement; CSTF Rule 9C-2, F.A.C., and all applicable State laws, rules, <br />regulations, and guidelines. <br />(c) Delegation under this clause shall in no way relieve the Grantee <br />receiving funds under this Agreement of its responsibilities to assure that <br />its CSTF program is administered in accordance with all State requirements. <br />(d) The Grantee shall be responsible for the program and fiscal <br />performance of its delegates and shall monitor their activities <br />accordingly. In the event of a delegates non-compliance with <br />the program or fiscal activities under this Agreement, or any other term of <br />this Agreement, the Grantee agrees to reimburse to the Department any and <br />all grant funds misused by the Grantee or its delegates. <br />(12) LIABILITY <br />The Grantee shall be solely responsible to parties with whom it shall <br />deal in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and shall hold the <br />Department harmless against all claims of whatever nature by third parties <br />arising out of the performance of work under this Agreement. <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />
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