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Agenda Item Number
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Communications International, Inc.
Third Renewal of Master Agreement for Infrastructure maintenance for the
800 MHZ Communications System
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ORIGINAL <br />2.n SCOPF. OF CONTR LI'n <br />Ci agrees to maintain the ability to provide the services set forth in Exhibit A of this Contract and to provide the services describcdn <br />herein, including Demand Services. The Customer agrees to purchase Demand Services from Ci, as needed, in accordance withn <br />Exhibit C of this Contract.n <br />3.n TERM OCO_NTRA Tn <br />A.nThe term of this Contract shall be for a period of one (1) year(s) (the "Tenn") and shall automatically renew at the end of then <br />Tenn, unless (1) either party notifies the other party.. in writing, at least ninety (90) days prior to expiration of this Contract (then <br />"Renewal Notice") or (11) in the event Ci proposes new terms, conditions, or pricing ("New Terms"), such New Terms are notn <br />accepted by the Customer in the Renewal Notice. There shall be no more than four (4) renewals to thiscontract.n <br />B.nThis contract will be adjusted each year based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Use the Bureau of Labor Statistics web siten <br />(http:U www.bls.�clovcpilhome.htd):n <br />I.nSelect the " South Urban region of the U.S. Map.n <br />2. Select the "More Formatting Options"n <br />3.n Select the " 12 months PercentChangen <br />4.n Select "Retrieve Data"n <br />5. Scroll down to the current year and select the "Feb" numbern <br />6. This number will be used as a multiplier for the recent year total of the maintenance contractn <br />The percent number is a 12 -month percent change for the "South Urban" over the last 12 months as reflected in February. <br />4.n PRICES AND TERMS OFPAYMF.NTn <br />A. The prices to be charged for the regular routine maintenance Services are as set forth in Exhibit B. <br />B. The prices to be charged for the Demand Services and Professional Services are as set forth in ExhtbitC. <br />C.n All pricing discounts on both hardware and software, including all vendorequipment offered by Ci are set forth in Exhibit D.n <br />D.nPayment for Services for monthly maintenance, as outlined in Exhibit B of this Contract, is due in advance and payable in fulln <br />forty-five (45) days after receipt of invoice. Invoices shall be submitted to the Customer on a monthly basis.n <br />E.n Payment for all Demand Services, Professional Services and purchase of all products andor equipment is due in full forty-five <br />(45) days after receipt of invoice. Invoices shall be submitted to the Customer as the work is completed.n <br />5. EXTRA CHARGES <br />No extra charges of any kind will be allowed unless specifically agreed to in writing by both Parties.n <br />6.n SERVICE& <br />A.n Installation, removal or reinstallation of equipment. shall be performed by Ci, following reasonable no tice to the Customer atn <br />the rates listed in Exhibit C and at a time agreed to by both Parties.n <br />B.n Items that are not covered under Services for maintenance in Exhibit B, such as speaker microphones and Enhanced Vehicular <br />Chargers. will be repaired and'or replaced as Demand Services and will be charged at the prices set forth in Exhibit C.n <br />C.n In addition to the Services specified in this Contract. the Customer may order other work to be provided by Ci, includingn <br />specially designed work or services otherwise not covered by this Contract ("Special Requirements Order'). Within ten (I0)n <br />business days of receipt of a Special Requirements Order. Ci will furnish the Customer �%ith a «ritten proposal to fill suchn <br />Special Requirements Order._ including price and delivery time. The Customer may accept or reject any such proposal withn <br />ten (I10) Business Days of receipt. Any proposal not specifically accepted will be deemed rejected on the eleventh (I I ""r <br />Business Day after receipt.n <br />Pape 2 of 12 12 <br />
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