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9. Stormwater Management: The Stormwater Management Plan has <br />been approved by the Public Works Department, and a Type "A" <br />Stormwater permit will be issued. Through normal permitting <br />procedures, the Public Works Department will ensure that the <br />site's legal positive outfall will provide for a drainage flow <br />across the church site to the St. Sebastian River. <br />10. Landscape Plan: The landscape plan is in.compliance with <br />Chapter 926 of the county's Land Development Regulations and <br />proposes a Type "C" buffer along the site's northern and <br />southern property boundaries. Buffer requirements are in <br />compliance with the specific land use criteria (see paragraph <br />13). <br />A type "C" landscaping buffer is required between a place of <br />worship and adjacent residential uses. For this site, the <br />existing driveway along the site's north boundary is located <br />in an area that would normally be used for the buffer. Since <br />the driveway is not under the sole control of the applicant <br />and is located at the site perimeter in certain areas, a <br />portion of the required buffer is proposed along the immediate <br />south side of the driveway in such areas. The remaining <br />portion of the buffer will be located along the northern <br />property line where a portion of the existing driveway will be <br />removed, as referenced in item #7 of this report. Thus, along <br />the north property line a continuous buffer will be provided <br />between any buildings and parking arear and adjacent <br />residential property. All other buffer areas are located <br />immediately adjacent to property lines. <br />At its April 25, 1996 meeting, the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission discussed the need for a barrier between proposed <br />church parking spaces and the northern driveway which is to <br />serve only the adjacent property to the north, which is owned <br />by Mr. Robert Denton. The Planning and Zoning Commission <br />concluded that a landscape strip along the east perimeter of <br />the parking area would preclude church traffic from <br />inadvertently using the adjacent northern driveway. Condition <br />2 at the end of this report represents the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission's recommendation on this issue. At the April 25th <br />meeting, the applicant indicated no objection -to such a <br />condition. <br />11. Temporary Use of Modular Units: At its April 25th meeting, <br />the Planning and Zoning Commission also discussed the use -of <br />modular Sunday School classroom buildings located on the <br />site's north side. The Planning and Zoning Commission <br />concluded that the modular buildings were approved by .the <br />county as special exception uses, based upon the understanding <br />that the units were to be temporary. The Commission also <br />concluded that timeframes for removal of the modular units <br />should be formally addressed as part of this application. <br />After discussing timeframes with the church and noting that <br />the units have already existed on site for several years, the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the Board of <br />County Commissioners condition the special exception approval <br />by requiring the modular units to be removed in 3 years. The <br />3 year removal deadline is reflected in recommended condition <br />2 at the end of this report. It should be noted that, during <br />discussion of the removal timeframe at the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission meeting, the project engineer requested a removal <br />deadline of 4 years. <br />12. Utilities: County water and wastewater are available to the <br />site, and mandatory connections are required by the county <br />Utilities Department. Prior to site plan release, the <br />applicant, through normal procedures, must obtain utilities <br />connection permits for the project. Neither the county <br />Utilities Department nor Environmental Health Unit (HRS) <br />object to site plan approval. <br />JUNE 4, 1996 <br />17 BOOK 98 PnE 263 <br />