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40 <br />Building Area: <br />The new Administrative Office and Purchasing/Buildings and Grounds/Probation Facility will <br />contain a County Commission Chamber and office space for each Commissioner, Supervisor of <br />Elections, Property Appraiser, Clerk of Circuit Courts, Clerk to the BOCC, County Administrator, <br />and County Attorney. Office space is also provided for the departments of General Services, <br />Public Works, Emergency Services, Management and Budget, Risk Management, Community <br />Development (Planning and Building Divisions), Personnel, Utility Services, Data Processing, as <br />well as other County functions. Common amenities and building support spaces comprise the <br />remainder of the building. The Purchasing Department, Buildings and Grounds and Probation <br />Facility will house space for these departments, as well as file storage space for other <br />departments. <br />The total gross square footage of the two components, the Administrative Building (163,980 SF) <br />and the Purchasing/Buildings and Grounds/Probation Building (27,985 SF) is 191,965 GSF. <br />Included in the total gross square footage is an allowance of approximately 8% for <br />mechanical/electrical spaces, 35% for departmental circulation and 20% for building items such <br />as building skin, elevators, stairs, interior columns, etc. <br />Master Planning <br />SCP looked at many options for master planning the new facilities. Initially, 8 to 10 scenarios <br />were studied for positioning the buildings on the site. Vehicular and pedestrian traffic <br />considerations were studied. Flexibility and expansion capabilities were also considered. The <br />buildings "front door" as approached by vehicles and pedestrians was critical to the <br />establishment of the site plan. Of the many scenarios studied, SCP presented 3 of the most viable <br />solutions to the County for review in early November. The final master plan presented in this <br />document is the result of the comments received at the November meeting and the subsequent <br />design effort. <br />The proposal seeks to create a new civic neighborhood of public buildings by placing the new <br />county administration building between 26" and 27'" Streets north of the existing county i <br />administration building, with access from the north and the south. In the first phase public access <br />is provided to the main entrance of the building on the south from 18'" avenue, linking the new <br />building's entrance to the existing building's entrance. This approach will serve both as public <br />and ceremonial access for citizens coming to seek services in the building as well as those <br />visiting the commission chambers. Surface parking is proposed immediately to the west of the <br />building adjacent to a drive that links 18" Avenue north 21" Street to 18" street south of 26" <br />street. A public plaza with reflecting pool and fountain is proposed at the intersection of the two <br />main building volumes to establish an appropriate scale and character for the main public <br />building in Indian River County. Public parking will occur west of the new building in surface <br />lots. <br />Employee parking will occur west of the public parking and north of 27'" Street in surface lots. <br />The north lot will also provide parking and access for the warehouse facility sited directly north <br />of the proposed administration building. Employee entrance to the administration building will <br />occur from the north through the same lobby used by the public coming from the south. <br />Executive Summary- Page 1-4 <br />