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nm La+l L.n n s eaorwoa <br />Mlllylion slmegy <br />Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, or other appropriate alternatives. Contractor <br />shall submit the listed procedures to the Department on or before October 31, 1998. <br />Municipal subcontracts shall require that the municipal representative to the WorkingGmup <br />actively assist in the development of these procedures. <br />C. As discussed in Section 3 of the Guidebook, establish evaluation criteria and procedures to <br />regularly review, update and revise the Local Mitigation Strategy to ensure it remains current <br />and reflects changing conditions within the community. Evaluation criteria and procedures <br />shall provide for review, update and revision activities using a Working Group established <br />and populated as provided herein. Municipal subcontracts shall require that the municipal <br />representative to the Working Group actively assist in the developmentofthase criteria and <br />procedures. Written evaluation criteria and procedures shall be submitted to the Department <br />on or before October 31, 1998. <br />D. As outlined in Section 4 of the Guidebook, initiate development of the Community Guiding <br />Principles. First, identify and list government entities that perform hazard mitigation <br />functions, including those at the federal, state, regional and local levels. List the functions <br />that these agencies provide. List and describe all existing county, regional and municipal <br />policies, ordinances, and programs that affect hazard mitigation activities, including, but not <br />limited to, those found in the pertinent local government Comprehensive Growth <br />Management plans, comprehensive emergency management plan, the emergency <br />management 5-yearsbategicplan, local floodplain ordinances, slormwatermanagementplan <br />policies, and local building codes. Finally, evaluate these existing mitigation policies, <br />ordinances and programs to determine their effectiveness at reducing the potential for loss <br />oflife and property as a result ofa disaster. Municipal subcontracts shall require that the <br />municipal representative to the Working Group actively assist in the development ofthese <br />Community Guiding Principles. Municipal subcontracts shall also require that the <br />municipality submit thefallowinglo Contractorreasonably, as determined bythe Contractor, <br />in advance of the Contractor's October 31, 1998 submission to the Department: <br />I. The listing ofmunicipal agencies and the mitigation functions they provide. Include <br />a narrative description of how these agencies help reduce losses from hazards. <br />2. The listing of existing municipal policies, ordinances and programs that affect <br />mitigation; <br />3. An evaluation ofexisling municipal mitigation policies, ordinances and programs, <br />describing their effectiveness at reducing losses of life and property. <br />The Contractor shall compile comparable information for unincorporated areas of the County, and <br />combine it with information submitted by or pertaining to all municipalities, for submission to the <br />Department by October 31, 1998. <br />