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during such visits and such observations, Consultant will evaluate whether Contractor's <br />work is generally proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents, and <br />Consultant will keep IRCDUS informed of the general progress of the Work. <br />The purpose of our site visits will be to enable us to better carry out the duties and <br />responsibilities specifically assigned in this Agreement to Consultant, and to provide the <br />IRCDUS a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform in <br />general to the Contract Documents. Consultant shall not, during such visits or as a <br />result of such observations of Contractor's work in progress, supervise, direct, or have <br />control over Contractor's work, nor shall we have authority over or responsibility for the <br />means, methods, techniques, equipment choice and usage, sequences, schedules, or <br />procedures of construction selected by Contractor, for safety precautions and programs <br />incident to Contractor's work, nor for any failure of Contractor to comply with laws and <br />regulations applicable to Contractor's furnishing and performing the Work. <br />Accordingly, Consultant neither guarantees the performance of any Contractor nor <br />assumes responsibility for any Contractor's failure to furnish and perform its work in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents. <br />Consultant will prepare IRCDUS requested "Asset Change List," or "ACL". The ACL <br />will outline the major components or assets installed or removed as part of the work <br />including new electrical panels, valves and actuators. The list will be prepared and <br />submitted to IRCDUS to be used for updates to the IRCDUS's Computerized <br />Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and Financial Information System (FIS). <br />Assets will be identified at the lowest practical level for maintenance where work orders <br />(WO) are assigned to carryout various maintenance tasks. The ACL will also include <br />spare parts that are provided by the project and must be identified as such. Other key <br />requirements for the ACL are as follows: <br />1. An electronic database deliverable provided at completion of the project. There <br />is no specific requirement for the software, application, or tool used to prepare <br />the ACL; however, the final data must be submitted in a common tabular format <br />such as .csv or .xls. <br />2. The database will originate at the design/engineering stage by the Consultant <br />who will pre -populate the ACL with known data/attributes that the consultant <br />possesses, have access to getting or can derive (e.g., items specified with no <br />alternates or substitution, design criteria that must be adhered to by the <br />contractor, etc.). <br />3. Each row or record in the database shall represent a single (discrete) asset and its <br />applicable data and attributes. <br />4. The Consultant will coordinate and manage the completion of the ACL which is <br />carried through to the procurement/construction phase for further updates and <br />eventual completion. <br />5. New assets added will include data and notable attributes for each asset to <br />include but may not be limited to: <br />a. Basic Asset Type — pump, tank, control valve, MCC, analyzer, PLC, etc. <br />b. General Data — manufacturer/vendor, model, serial no. <br />K:\WPB_Civil\General\Black\Florida\IRCU\WRWWTF Reject Improvements\20230615 - WRWWTF Reject.doc <br />