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0 inframap <br />4. CAD - The survey data will be processed into an existing utility file in AutoCAD format in accordance with <br />applicable CAD standards. Quality Levels will be annotated in accordance with ASCE 38. <br />5. Quality Assurance / Quality Control Review - The existing utility file will be compared to record drawings, <br />field sketches and notes. The intent of this task is to ensure existing utilities are depicted thoroughly and <br />accurately. <br />6. Deliverables - Deliverables will include an existing utility file in AutoCAD (dwg). <br />Quality Level A - Air Vacuum Excavation Test Holes <br />During utility locating by air / vacuum test holes InfraMap will complete the following tasks: <br />1. Agency Coordination - InfraMap will comply with laws and regulations concerning excavation by <br />coordinating with utility inspectors, property owners, "ONE CALL" and others as required. <br />2. Anticipated Permits - InfraMap will prepare and coordinate throughout the permitting process and will bill <br />the associated fees as a direct expense. <br />3. Test hole conflict identification and field locate -If InfraMap has not performed the utility designating prior <br />to the test hole task, and we identify a discrepancy between existing utility location on client provided <br />plans and what is in the field, we will notify the Client prior to any test hole work. We will make <br />recommendations if utilities are not where the records maps indicate, or a utility is discovered that is not <br />shown on any records and is not detectable during the electronic sweep. InfraMap will contact the client <br />and discuss strategies to address the unpredictable field conditions. InfraMap will work with the client in <br />the identification of additional test holes or removal of test holes from future scope of work. <br />4. MOT - Maintenance and Protection of Traffic in local jurisdiction will be provided in accordance with the <br />Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) FY2023-24 Standard Plans, latest edition or other applicable <br />requirements. <br />5. Test hole - InfraMap will perform the following for the test hole task: <br />a. Excavate a test hole using air/ vacuum excavation. Provide all precautions necessary to perform the <br />work safely and to cause no damage to the utility. The test hole will be of the minimum size required to <br />expose the utility and record the following information: <br />i. Depth below grade (cover). <br />ii. Utility material, shape, and overall condition. <br />iii. Approximate diameter of pipes, cables, conduits, and the configuration of multiple conduit <br />systems. <br />iv. The general directional trend of the utility. <br />v. Thickness, type, and condition of paving material. <br />vi. General soil conditions. <br />b. Install a survey marker (PK or hub and tack) directly over the centerline of pipes or edge of concrete <br />structures or conduit banks at grade. Ribbon of appropriate APWA / ULCC color will be installed in the <br />backfill from utility to grade. Indicate on the test hole form the placement of the marker relative to the <br />utility cross section. Record the location of the marker with a minimum of three swing tie measurements <br />to convenient existing permanent structures on site. <br />c. Backfill test hole with excavated material in 6 -inch lifts by air pneumatic tamping. Restore test hole <br />area to the original condition. Repair and restore all pavement cuts to ensure a long-lasting repair <br />utilizing asphalt cold patch. <br />