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12/19/2023 10:22:03 AM
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Work Order
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Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Work Order #6 Amendment #1 for Oslo Water Treatment Plant Improvements,
Construction Phase Services
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Client, based on such observations and review, that, to the best of Consultant's knowledge, <br />information and belief, Contractor's work has progressed to the point indicated and that such work- <br />in -progress is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents. <br />Consultant's original proposal included review of the record drawings and notation of substantial <br />deviations. IRCDUS has requested the Consultant provide record drawings to in AutoCAD (.dwg) <br />format. Consultant will update original design files based on Contractor prepared redlined <br />drawings and site observations. Consultant will electronically transmit record drawings to Owner <br />upon completion of record drawing set. <br />Consultant's original proposal did not include services to support Davis -Bacon Wage Act <br />requirements. As part of the contract negotiation between the Owner and Contractor, provisions in <br />the Construction Contract were added to include Davis -Bacon Wage Act requirements. IRCDUS <br />requested Consultant conduct interviews and review wage information on a routine basis through <br />project completion. Consultant will review monthly payroll information submitted by the <br />Contractor and subcontractor(s) to determine if requirements for Davis Bacon wage requirements <br />are met. Consultant will conduct labor interviews with the Contractor's personnel throughout the <br />construction duration. Consultant anticipates a total of eighteen (18) interviews will be conducted <br />throughout the course of the project. <br />Consultant will provide project management consisting of coordination of Consultant's staffing on <br />project, QA/QC, review of Contractor schedule, coordination with subconsultants, administrative <br />work including filing of all documentation, meeting minutes, letters, etc. It is estimated that <br />approximately 40 hours of additional administration time and 20 hours of professional time will be <br />required for this task. <br />Consultant will prepare IRCDUS requested "Asset Change List," or "ACL". The ACL will outline <br />the major components or assets installed or removed as part of the work including new process <br />equipment. The list will be prepared and submitted to IRCDUS to be used for updates to the <br />IRCDUS's Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and Financial Information <br />System (FIS). Assets will be identified at the lowest practical level for maintenance where work <br />orders (WO) are assigned to carryout various maintenance tasks. The ACL will also include spare <br />parts that are provided by the project and must be identified as such. Other key requirements for the <br />ACL are as follows: <br />1. An electronic database deliverable provided at completion of the project. There is no <br />specific requirement for the software, application, or tool used to prepare the ACL; <br />however, the final data must be submitted in a common tabular format such as .csv or .xls. <br />2. Each row or record in the database shall represent a single (discrete) asset and its <br />applicable data and attributes. <br />3. The Consultant will coordinate and manage the completion of the ACL which is carried <br />through to the construction phase for further updates and eventual completion. <br />4. New assets added will include data and notable attributes for each asset to include but may <br />not be limited to: <br />a. Basic Asset Type — pump, tank, control valve, MCC, analyzer, PLC, etc. <br />b. General Data — manufacturer/vendor, model, serial no. <br />c. Physical Data — voltage, TDH, capacity, diameter, material, etc. <br />d. Service Data — date installed/in-service, warranty period/start date, expected useful <br />life <br />e. Financial Data — estimated installed cost (allocation of OPCC to the assets) <br />K.IWPB_CtvillGeneral0lackIh7oridaVRCUIOslo WTP Construction Phase l4mendmen620231023 -Amendment Oslo CPS.doc Page 3 of6 <br />Indian River County Utilities Department <br />
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