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ExhibitA <br />West Regional WWTP Clarifier Improvements ATKINS <br />• Previous proposals for replacement of the clarifier mechanisms. <br />• Guide specifications and equipment data provided by the manufacturer. <br />• An inventory of any clarifier-related spare parts currently in the possession of <br />IRC. <br />Deliverables: Data request memo. Electronic versions of all hard copy data. <br />Task 03 Asset Management <br />Atkins will coordinate with County Staff to draft and pre -populate an asset change list <br />(ACL) to the extent possible with all project -related information available to Atkins, <br />including information obtained from project -related correspondence, site visits, <br />equipment design criteria, and information gathered under Tasks 01 and 02. Atkins <br />will prepare the ACL in accordance with County requirements. The form will be <br />designed to facilitate addition inputs by Atkins, the manufacturer, and the contractor <br />throughout the bid and construction phases. Atkins will submit a draft ACL to IRCDUS <br />for their review and finalize the ACL based on their feedback. <br />Deliverables: Creation of a draft and final ACL. <br />Task 04 Walker Proposal <br />Atkins negotiate and obtain an updated Proposal from Walker for all clarifier <br />equipment, similar to a direct procurement agreement between IRC and Walker, <br />including technical, construction and warranty requirements for major equipment. <br />Atkins will confirm that the equipment package is complete and pricing is reasonable. <br />Once negotiations and Proposal updates are complete, Atkins will include the Walker <br />Proposal in the general issue RFP package to ensure fairness in the RFP packages. <br />Deliverables: Equipment Proposal Package from Walker. <br />Task 05 Preparation of Request for Proposal <br />Atkins will develop a general issue RFP package that will provide a detailed description <br />of all work to be performed and will include all pertinent information obtained during <br />the completion of Tasks 02, 03 and 04. The RFP will provide candidate bidders with <br />information necessary to develop an accurate and comprehensive Proposal. <br />Information to be provided will include: <br />• Qualifications and experience required of each bidder <br />• Recent survey information including a data point cloud <br />• Reference requirements <br />• Project approach and schedule <br />• Technical and warranty requirements for miscellaneous equipment. <br />• Requirements for the use of the Walker Proposal <br />• The type and format of information required by the contractor for use in <br />updating and finalizing the ACL as describe in Task 03 above. <br />is <br />