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CA <br />Contract #SD609AA <br />Expected Results: Complete and adequately construct facilities. <br />Estimated Cost: Construction of the stormwater facility at Oak Lake Area (52.000 cubic yards at <br />$2.5/cubic yard) is estimated to cost $130,000.00. Construction of the stormwater facility at <br />Lake 20 Area (92,000 cubic yards at $2.51cubic yard) is estimated to cost $230,000.00. <br />Estimated Schedule: Oak Lake Area constriction will begin in July 2000 and end in June 2001. <br />Lake 20 Area construction will begin in Septcmhcr 2000 and end in March 2001. <br />Deliverables: Bi -Monthly Progress Reports on construction status. The acceptance of tite <br />facilities as completed facilities according to design. <br />Task b: Construction of Lake Control Structures for Water Quality Treatment tic lsrosion <br />Control <br />Description: Two lake control structures will be constructed within the two storruwater pond <br />treatment facilities, including concrete control structures and erosion control structures at the <br />outlet. <br />1. At Oak Lake, an RCLake9 Structure will be installed with 40 linear feet of 48 -inch <br />reinforced pipe. <br />2. At Elie Lake 20 Area, an RCLakc2U Structure will be constructed with approximately 1,400 <br />linear feet of 48 -inch reinforced pipe, Two other strictures including an inter -lake <br />connection structure of 400 linear feet of 24 -inch reinforced pipe and a clay barrier of 1,140 <br />linear feet will be constructed within this pond system, At Pond A, an RLakeA Structure will <br />be constructed and will have approximately 60 linear feet of 24 -inch reinforced pipe. <br />) xpeeted Results: Installation of lake control structures at tate two major pond systerus. <br />Estimated Cost: Construction of the stornrwater facility structures is estinrued to cost <br />$228,000.00. The Oak Lake Area RCLnke9 structure is estimated to cost $1 1,(W.00; the Lake <br />20 Area RCLakc20 structure is estimated to cost $134,000.00; the Lake 20 Area inter -lake <br />connection structure and clay barrier is estimated to cost $75,000.00; and the Lake A. RLakeA <br />structure is estimates] to cost $8,UOU.00. <br />Estimated Schedule: Start April 2000, finish March 2001 <br />Deliverables: Bi -Monthly Progress Reports our construction status. Two major pond structures <br />and aclay barrier stricture in the two storrnwater treatment facilities. <br />Task 7: hitch Excavation <br />Description: Simultaneous to (lie construction of the pond systems, COUNTY will conduct ditch <br />excavation of four major canal systems connecting the detention ponds it) the Lateral D canal. <br />Ditch excavations will include cleaning, widening and new construction of several canal <br />crossings within Canal A and excavation of a new canal at 86"' Street both of which connect to <br />Page 14 of 28 <br />