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do <br />Contract IiSD609AA <br />Estimated Schedule: Start January 2000, finish June 2001 <br />Deliverables: Deliverables will include the total number of persons attending FYN workshops, <br />the total number of certified yards, and tlic identified percent of the residents that adopt FYN <br />BMPs. Yard BMP adoptions will be measured by (lie University of Florida's Institute of Food <br />and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), A final education report conveying the IFAS evaluation <br />results and deliverables will be provided to COUNTY and DISTRICT. <br />Task 10: Draft and Final Reports <br />Deserintiun: Following completion of Tasks S, 6 & 7, COUNTY will prepare a draft report for <br />review and comment by DISTRICJ''s Project Manager. Following completion of Tasks 8 & 9, <br />COUNTY will prepare a final project report detailing the construction, water quality monitoring <br />and educational components of the project. Successes will be highlighted and recommendations <br />for future improvements discussed, <br />Estimated Cost: $2,000 <br />istmated Schedule: Draft Report- April 2001. Final Report- May 2002 <br />V1. SPECIFIC OUTPUI'SIDELIVERABLIKS (e.g. reports, manuals, videos, maps, <br />BMPs, meetings, field days, issued permits, e(c.): <br />Task 1: Survey Project Site <br />Ex pected Results: Project site survey. <br />Deliverables: A complete survey of the property. <br />Task 2: Engineering Resign <br />Expected Results: A complete, efficient and cost effective design. <br />Deliverables: A complete set of design and construction drawings and construction <br />speci f is at ions. <br />Task 3 and 4: Prepare, Send, Receive, Evaluate and Award Construction Iiid <br />Expected_ Results: A number of received competitive bids will be evaluated, a responsible low <br />bid that is within budget will be Selected. <br />Deliverables: A construction contract with as notice to proceed given to the responsible low <br />bidder. <br />Task 5. Construction of Stormwater Detention Pond Facilities <br />Expected Results. Complete and adequately constructed facilities. <br />Page 16 of 28 <br />