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Brad Smith Associates, Inc.
Professional Engineering & Architectural Services Agreement for
Jungle Trail & Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge Enhancement Project
Project Number
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40 <br />C� <br />restroom, as determined by project Landscape Architect. This area <br />will be referred to as the "development zone". <br />♦ Topographic survey of the "development zone" portion of the site on a <br />100 foot grid, more or less and cross sections of Jungle Trail right-of- <br />way 100' on either side of the access point adjacent to site. <br />i Location of all improvements on the "development zone" portion of <br />the site and within Jungle Trail right-of-way 100' on either side of the <br />access point adjacent to the site. <br />♦ Location of significant trees outside of heavily wooded areas with a <br />diameter of 4 inches or greater at chest height. <br />4 Topographic survey to include water service and force main routing to <br />be determined by project engineer. <br />t Miscellaneous topography and/or location as directed by Brad Smith, <br />Landscape Architect. Miscellaneous topography and location to be <br />perforated with Brad Smith shall not exceed 12 hours field time, <br />including travel time. <br />s Establish State Plane Coordinates (North American Datum of 1983, <br />adjustment of 1990) and Vertical Benchmarks (National Geodetic <br />Vertical Datum of 1929) for site, as required by IRCDUS. <br />c) Cairns Site <br />t Topographic survey (for engineering design) of a portion of the site as <br />discussed and shown on the Jungle Trail Conservation Area <br />Management Plan Maps, Figures 9 through 11, by Bellomo- Herbert, <br />dated February 8, 1999. Area to be surveyed will be a 200' wide± <br />swatch within which the proposed access road will be sited, and the <br />area for the proposed restroom, as determined by project Landscape <br />Architect. This area will be referred to as the "development •none". <br />t Topographic survey of the "development zone" portion of the site on <br />a 100 foot grid, more or less and cross sections of Jungle Trail r'aght- <br />of way 100' on either side of the access point adjacent to site. <br />♦ Location of all improvements on the "development sone:" portion of <br />the site and within Jungle Trail right-of-way 100' on either side of the <br />access point adjacent to the site. <br />s Location of western edge of undisturbed maritime hammock as <br />flagged by the Landscape Architect, and of significant trees west of <br />western edge of undisturbed maritime hanunock-with a diameter of 4 <br />inches or greater at chest height, within the "development zone". <br />4 Topographic survey to include water service and farce main routing to <br />be determined by project engineer at a later date. <br />• Prepare l casement description and sketch of casement for <br />wastewater routing through the Sea Oaks development. <br />Miscellaneous topography andlor location as directed by Braid Smith, <br />Landscape Architect. Miscellaneous topography and location to be <br />performed with Brad Snaith shall not exceed 4 hours field time, <br />including travel tune. <br />Hammock Trails traverse survey, as directed by Architect, Braid Santis <br />not to exceed 4 hours field time, including travel time. <br />t E'stablisft State Platte Coordinates (North American Datum of 1983, <br />adjus meat of 1990) and Vertical Benchmarks (National Geodetic <br />Vertical Dolurn or 1929) tier site:, as required by IRCDUS. <br />d) Loop Road <br />* Topographic survey of proposed Loop Road through pant of <br />Government Lot 0, Section 4, 'township 3 l South, Mange 39 Bast and <br />AnUllnlCnt - 5 <br />
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