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40 <br />M <br />40 <br />Government Lot 1, Section 9, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, <br />from the proposed Ken Kennedy site westerly and southerly to the <br />Surman site. <br />s Topographic survey of the proposed roadway to include cross sections <br />at 100 ft. intervals, extending; 75' both sides of (lie proposed loop road <br />centerline and topography of proposed stormwater management areas <br />as directed by the engineer (CAC). <br />• Location of significant trees within aforementioned areas with a <br />diameter of 4" or greater at chest height. <br />4 Location of adjacent wetlands (if alaplicable) as delineated and flagged <br />by ECG. <br />+ Stakeout of proposed access road alignment per plan by the Landscape <br />Architect. <br />4) Environmental Consulting Group will provide the following, based on the <br />assumption that the project will be designed to avoid wetland impacts and <br />therefore will not require wetland mitigation : <br />a) Conduct an on-site investigation to determine the qualitative <br />enviromnental conditions of the property. <br />b) Delineate and flag wetland boundaries as defined by Chapter 62-240, <br />Florida Administrative Code, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 <br />Wetland Delineation Manual. <br />c) Coordinate and submit correspondence to the St. Johns River Water <br />Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requesting a <br />site review to field verify flagged wetland boundaries and to discuss <br />permitting issues. <br />d) Meet onsite with the St. Johns River Water Management District and the <br />U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to field verify flagged wetland boundaries. <br />e) Coordinate with Carter Associates, (lie. and Lewis Environmental <br />Services, Inc. concerning the wetland boundary flagging. <br />0 Prepare and submit correspondence along with the land survey identifying; <br />the flagged wetland boundaries to the St_ Johns River Water Management <br />District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to obtain written <br />verification of the wetland delineation. <br />g) Prepare and Submit a report addressing the wetland delineation, wetland <br />quality and project design as it affects wetlands. <br />5) Dr. David Cox will be involved in ground -[rushing to pin down features in the <br />developing master plan in the ltamniock portion of the Cairns site. <br />B. Task 2 — Master Plan Preparation <br />1) Prepare Preliminary Master Plan of each site for the County's review, <br />highlighting (lie County's objectives within tlne context of the existing site <br />conditions. This plan shall indicate the gencral location of the proposed <br />restroom building sites, trails, boardwalks, observation to%k,,.*r, contmon open <br />space, site amenities, entrance, and the pedestrian and vehicular circulation <br />systems. The stormwater management system will consist of vegetated swales <br />meeting the requirements of the St. Johns River Water Management District <br />(SJRWMD). The stormwater management system, as well as other proposed <br />improvements will be laid out so that the construction} and operation will <br />compliment efforts li,r onsite wetland and Habitat restoration. <br />a) Plan shall use the site survey with the ,jurisdictional wetland delineation, <br />and the proposed wetland restoration areas dcsignatcd by Lewis <br />Environmental Services, Inc. overlaid upon the County's grayscale aerial <br />photo -imagery as a base map. <br />Auachmenn - 6 <br />