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Don Howell Gilmore Associates, Inc.
Agreement for Main Library Addition & Rremodeling
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s <br />• <br />egtployment, interest or contribution that would reasonably appear to compromise the Archilecl's professional judgment with <br />respeci to this project. <br />1,2.3.6 The Architect shall review laws, codes, and regulations applicable to the Architucl's services. The Architect shall <br />respond in the design of the Project to requirements imposcd by governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. <br /> The Architect shall be entitled to rely on lite accuracy and completeness of services and information furnished by the <br />Owner. Whilclite Architect lras uo affirmative d� 10 <br />Archbecome aware of same, The Architect shall provide prompt Written <br />notice to the Owner irihe ilcct becomes aware of any errors.. omissions or inconsistencies in such services or in tornn4tion, <br />ARTICLE 1.3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1.3,1 COST OF THE WORit <br /> 'rhe cost or the Work shall be the iota[ cost or. to the extent the Project is not completed, the cslimalcd coal to the <br />Owner of all elements of lite Project designed or specified by the Architect - <br /> The Cost of the Work shall include flue clad at current market rales or labor and materials furnished by the Owner and <br />equipment designed, specified. selected or specialty provided for by the Architect. including talc costs of management or <br />supervision of construction or installation provided by a separate construction manager or contractor, plus a reasonable <br />allowance for their overhead and profit. In addition, a reasonable allowance Cor contingencies shall be inchided for market <br />conditions at the time orbidding and for changes in the Work. <br />1 '3.1.3 'rbc cost or tic Work does not include talc compensation of the Architect and the Architect's consuhanis. the costs of <br />the land, rights-of-way and financing or other costs that are the responsibility of the Owner. <br />1.3.2 INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE <br /> Drawings, specifications and other documents, including; those in electronic term, prepared by the Architect and the <br />Architect's consultants are IrfAFument5-oF8mice for use solely with respect to this projccI. Tlie-Arehilect -and °the-A€ohikWA <br />eori.St1 Bents-s+4a}t-[t�c�med-ttae•n+lt[+ors-und�+wners-eFlhei r-respeciive-lust n+n+cr+ls-uf-Servie�• und�l+u[ l-reiuir4-til l-scr+n++tan-}nw; <br />stt t4+lety�nd�t} erred righ4 rt8}riling cefryEit t+ts.•- ARY other use shall be at the Chvnces sole risk and without liabiii(S- <br />to the Arcititcct or the Architect's consultants. Unless fhvner f its hcreundcr l0 P -a yArchitect therefor. Chvner shall be loaned <br />Ike ownor of such drawinMijpgqEications and ollicr,.documents and sluall hvvc and rclltin all rights thercin,- In the:. event <br />vner is adiud to have fa[l hcreun r t�o"y Arcllilect.tor such drawings, srxxifications or other doenrne its owncrshi <br />thcrcof and all rights therein, shall revert to the Architect. <br /> then-"ecutiou -ef -this -AtrC meDO - `the -Arehitiact -grams -to -the -Owner +a -r+ rex ieluslve -license -to-tepraduee -ti <br />Arehiteet's-lttstrumencs-of-gerviee -solely -fer-purposes-Of constructitig; -using -mW im4intuming t[sa lTrej[ t rrutiided Iltnt the <br />QwF4er lie#I coniplYiwitht t+Ih obligatierts; inehuding prvn+pl puynioni of aU-sts ns-wlwn-du4:.-u+ider-this-Agreeliient-Tiie-Atc-hileel <br />ali-obtain-sin ler-mie telirsive-licew,es frc+ni ti+a Architeet5 C4+F4S441tnni5 fE9ns15t01i1-wlth lhi5 A rCk nterH A+t t@riniklntk Dir•t3f <br />this-Agreement-prioF40-completirrn•of4tw-Frojeet-shall-terniinale-4his 1i47e++s+t-t3poi such terns r4ntiott {he �,.T„c, �..ttt - an <br />sh <br />froma+tnking-fur{het' repra3duetic+list+f=lnsir++i++eels•of-$ervice-nn4hsi4nli�eturn-l[rt1K5 Arts3litect-wikh'sn se�vCn•dat'S-t4}-terminutlni+ <br />ill-aEfgi+++tls ural-repradueti4tns-it4-the-Uwtuzr3 poss�essi4+rrer�ontro}-lFand 4rpott-tie dote-ti+o-AreltitEei-is+idjudged i++tief+4u[i of <br />lh4is A};reeniarri tate fare},wing license shalt soli doenued terfniatated and replaced hy++-sec0++41; nont)reh4+5ive lieens4i Pe+3itit{ing the - <br />I YValOE -tEl-a4ilt4ElriJ.e -f+lhi@r'°5ilnllnriy '6r6d4nt4n1Cd ii4151 +�+i fi4tlC:'s51Ct4ral5 -{ll-rpprUd4+{;47 -ani[:-wS4cre-penuitle4l -tiy -lux; -lu make- <br />c-h44nger,-correeiions-or-t4dditiwA-to-th+e-Instmmenls-of-servioe semy for -purposes -nr.00mptetiul,--++sing-and-nmintaining-the <br />Frc+je +, <br /> £xeept ferlte het++ Ha gr4lkitC[i in utih7h+ofegraplt �3e2 �s�4W UtI+Cr IIC@ltsH AE riglFth+itt hie 41L'Ctn4!+�ntntEd k3tn#p14 <br />+n+der-kl+is-F.groetnent.-Tl4e f3w'tteE shaN�l4ot-assign, clelegttle; s4+bticeuse: ple4igeasFett►er►vi� tr++usF4�r any-tice+rse grt+rtted•lierei+4- <br />tu,unother-party-widiout-the-prior -written•agreemot of-the-Arehite& t{owever, ihe-UwnerAiall-be permitted -to outhoAve-411e. <br />€'antrtteto l+uhev+ilcae{er -8uh s lbzMt+tetors-and-nwleFiat•er ituip+itat+t a}itiEieEs to +eprudaee aplitit++lile }xirtit3ns-tiI'iltet <br />tr4striLme++ts-of-f�es�iriee nlrprapriute-lo-nnd-fer�esu•in-th4~SroseetAiot+ ot-llt4+-Work-by-lioeuse-gra�ted-in �tlbpnulgrepi-1-�2-2- <br />AIA L1Ui.t1i4+liNr 111.51-S1A'NMW) FUitAi AGRI All Nl - 1917 VDI IIUl AIA Uk"11416111 1997 -1111'. "4AUCRl"'kN ItiNSUI U ur AR1 11111 -VIS. <br />1735 NC.W YORK AW N ni N w . WASIUN(N t N 1).(. 211iNIe,.5112 �.l'ARNINf a; r kili�.rry rt phutimVt tngvielmt NUS" timid w ill u6i xt Ric nnlator <br />Ice,l igrawAyfliin. aloin dooltral was I'TAmai %F01 pnmi ei'm ar the ,V A mid aur tie, r VrWW-1A W KIN' R vielatum unlit the "o nl Vildiut U nttm <br />1wl(nv. tihx;Uonic Forniat LI4 + i-1997 <br />User Document V4 -- 7111124KII). AIA Liccltsc: Nuntlxr 10411M. which expinas on IIL !21Ht1 -- [','go 05 <br />
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