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C� <br />40 <br />3 <br />maintain the minimum qualifications for gob classifications and the amount and type <br />of work needed; to engage in experimental and development projects; to determine <br />what records are to be made and kept, including those records relating to hours of <br />work of employees, who will make and keep the records, how the records are to be <br />made and kept; to establish new jobs, abolish or change existing jobs; to determine the <br />assignment of work; to contract out or subcontract work; to schedule the hours and <br />days to be worked on each job and to make time studies of work loads, fob <br />assignments, methods of operation and efficiency from time to time and to make <br />changes based on said studies; to expand, reduce, alter, combine, transfer, assign, <br />cease, create, or restructure any department or operation for business purposes; to <br />control, regulate, and determine the number, type and use of supplies, machinery, <br />equipment, vehicles, and other property owned, used, possessed or leased by the <br />County; to introduce new, different or improved methods, means and processes of <br />County services and operations; to make or change rules and regulations, policies and <br />practices for the purpose of efficiency, safe practices and discipline; and otherwise <br />generally to manage the County, direct the work force, and establish terms and <br />conditions of employment, except as modified or restricted by a provision of this <br />agreement.. <br />7.2 The County's failure to exercise any function or right hereby reserved to it, or, its <br />exercising any function or right in a particular way, shall not be deemed a waiver to <br />its rights to exercise such function or right, nor precludes the County from exercising <br />the same in some other way not in conflict with the express provisions of this <br />agreement. The Union agrees that the County may exercise all of the above without <br />advising the Union of any proposed action; nor may the Union require the County to <br />negotiate over the decision or its effects on the employees except as altered by this <br />agreement. The exercise of the rights specifically listed in this article does not preclude <br />the employees or their representatives -from conferring with management or raising <br />questions about the practical consequences that decision on these matters may have <br />on the terms and conditions of employment, <br />7.3 Past practices of the Board of County Commissioners or County management shall not <br />be considered for the purpose of limiting the rights, responsibilities, or prerogatives of <br />management, nor for the purpose of enlarging upon the specific and express limitations <br />on management which are contained in this agreement. <br />7.4 If the County determines that civil emergency conditions exist, including but not <br />limited to riots, civil disorders, strikes or illegal work stoppages, 'hurricane conditions <br />or similar catastrophes or disorders, the provisions of this agreement may be suspended <br />by the County during the term of the declared emergency. Notwithstanding the <br />provisions of Article 5, Correspondence, notice of such suspension will be given to the <br />union president as soon as practicable after the determination has been made and by <br />