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Indian River County Solid Waste Disposal District <br />Solid Waste and Recyclables Franchise Agreement <br />ARTICLE 4. TITLE TO SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS <br />Residential Solid Waste, Program Recyclables placed Curbside for collection by Franchisee and Program Recyclables <br />collected by the Franchisee at Government Buildings and Facilities, shall become the sole ownership of SWDD. Franchisee <br />shall have no right to take, keep, process, alter, remove, or otherwise dispose of any such materials, except that <br />Franchisee shall have the right and obligation to transport all such materials to the Designated Facility. However, <br />Franchisee shall have the sole responsibility and liability for the lawful disposal of any Biological Waste, Biomedical Waste, <br />or Hazardous Waste that Franchisee collects. <br />ARTICLE 5. SERVICE TRANSITIONS <br />5.1. Transition Prior to Commencement of Collection Services <br />5.1.1. Franchisee is responsible for providing a smooth transition in Collection Services to minimize <br />inconvenience to Customers. To accomplish this objective, Franchisee shall participate in transition meetings as <br />scheduled and conducted by the Contract Manager, to plan and manage the transition process so that no service <br />interruption occurs, and any new services are in place by the Commencement Date. <br />5.1.2. Franchisee shall submit to the Contract Manager, no later than thirty (30) Days following the Effective <br />Date, a Transition Plan that provides a detailed description of how Franchisee will plan and prepare for providing <br />Residential Collection Services, Residential Recyclables Collection Services, and Commercial Collection Services <br />leading up to the Commencement Date. The Transition Plan must be in Microsoft Excel format, detailed to the <br />task level, and provide a thorough action plan with description by task, responsible party, and due date for each <br />action item. The Transition Plan must meet the approval of the Contract Manager. If the Contract Manager <br />does not approve any part of the Transition Plan, Franchisee shall provide a revised proposed Transition Plan <br />within five (5) business days of notification. <br />5.1.3. At a minimum, Franchisee must address the following categories in the Transition Plan. The list is not <br />intended to identify all necessary tasks to be performed by Franchisee, but to provide a springboard for <br />Franchisee to develop a comprehensive Transition Plan: <br />a. Contact List: List of key transition personnel including, but not limited to service transition <br />project manager, education and outreach coordinator, and operations manager (or similarly <br />titled positions) <br />b. Transition Meeting and Call Schedule: Proposed meeting and call schedule including, but not <br />limited to, meetings with Contract Manager, County staff, and outgoing franchisee leading up <br />to the Commencement Date. <br />c. Operations/Vehicle Maintenance Facility: Schedule for establishing an operations/vehicle <br />maintenance facility meeting requirements of Article 16.2. <br />d. Customer Service Office: Schedule for establishing a customer service office meeting <br />requirements of Article 16 and having equipment and staffing in place to begin receiving calls <br />prior to Commencement Date. <br />e. Roll Cart Request System: Schedule for developing and implementing a system for Curside <br />Customers to request a specific size Roll Cart and/or Recycling Cart as required in Article <br />12.2.3. <br />f. Roll Cart End of Life Management: Newly awarded Franchisee will be responsible for recycling <br />all residential roll carts. <br />g. Roll Cart Assembly and Distribution (A&D): Schedule for Roll Cart A&D including cart purchase, <br />production, shipment, and acceptance dates; days and hours of operation; and completion of <br />A&D. A&D plan should identify A&D contractor and contact information and describe staging <br />areas, A&D route schedule, number of crews, expected number of carts delivered per crew <br />per day, method for assigning carts to addresses, data points to be collected at time of A&D, <br />and upload frequency of data into central A&D database. <br />12 <br />