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(1) The Contractor shall prepare written reports as described hereunder. No other PMIS narrative reports shall be <br />required. All reports shall be in 8.5" X 1 I" format. <br />(2) The Narrative Reporting Subsystem shall include the following reports: <br />(a) A Monthly Executive Summary which provides an overview of current issues and pending decisions, <br />future developments and expected achievements, and any problems or delays, including code violations <br />found by Permitting Authority. <br />(b) A Monthly Cost Narrative describing the current Construction Cost estimate status of the Project. <br />(c) A Monthly Scheduling Narrative summarizing the current status of the overall Project Schedule. This <br />report shall include an analysis of the various Project Schedules, a description of the critical path, and <br />other analyses as necessary to compare planned performance with actual performance. <br />(d) A Monthly Accounting Narrative describing the current cost and payment status of the entire Project. This <br />report shall relate current encumbrances and expenditures to the budget allocations. <br />(e) A Monthly Construction Progress Report during the Construction Phase summarizing the work of the <br />various subcontractors. This report shall include information from the weekly job site meetings, as <br />applicable, such as general conditions, long lead supplies, current deliveries, safety and labor relations <br />programs permits, construction problems and recommendations, and plans for the succeeding month. <br />(f) A Daily Construction Diary during the Construction Phase describing events and conditions on the site. <br />(g) A Monthly Local Business Enterprise Report during the Construction Phase summarizing the participation <br />of local subcontractorstmaterial suppliers for the current month, and Project to date. <br />(h) Construction Manager shall submit, for Owner approval, a direct tax savings purchase plan that, upon <br />acceptance, will be part of the Construction Manager's services. <br />(3) The reports outlined in subsection (2)(a) through (e) above shall be bound with applicable computer reports and <br />submitted monthly during Design and Construction phases and shall be current through the end of the preceding <br />month. Copies shall be transmitted to the Owner and the Architect -Engineer and others designated by the Project <br />Manager with the monthly pay requisition. <br />Additional copies of the report outlined in subsection (2)(a) shall be bound separately and distributed monthly <br />as directed by the Project Manager. <br />(4) The report outlined in subsection (2)(f) above shall be maintained at the site available to the Owner and Architect - <br />Engineer. <br />2.1.3 Schedule Control Subsystem <br />(1) Master Project Schedule Upon award of this Contract, the Construction Team, shall submit a master Project <br />Schedule covering the planning and design approvals, construction and Owner occupancy of the Project. This <br />Schedule will serve as the framework for the subsequent development of all detailed schedules. The master Project <br />Schedule shall be produced and updated monthly throughout the Project. <br />(2) Construction Schedule <br />Within thirty (30) days after the date of the Owner's issuance of a Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall prepare <br />and submit to the Architect -Engineer a Construction Schedule graphically depicting the activities contemplated to <br />occur as a necessary incident to performance of the work required to complete the Project, showing the sequence in <br />which the Contractor proposes for each such activity to occur and duration (dates of commencement and <br />completion, respectively) of each such activity. <br />Following development and submittal of the Construction Schedule as aforesaid, the Contractor shall, at the end of <br />each calendar month occurring thereafter during the period of time required to finally complete the subject Project, <br />or at such earlier intervals as circumstances may require, update and/or revise the Construction Schedule to show the <br />actual progress of the work performed and the occurrence of all events which have affected the progress of <br />performance of the work already performed or will affect the progress of the performance of the work yet to be <br />5 <br />