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C> <br />40 <br />! B. Project Description, Scope 0f Work, and Protection Provided <br />[Describe, in detail, the existing problem, the proposed project, and the scope of work. rxplain how the proposed <br />project will solve the problem(s) and provide the levels) of protection described in Part A. Please attach a vendor's <br />estimate andlor a contractor's bid for the scope of work. <br />The county is currently experiencing a severe deficit of safe shelter spaces for our residents seeking shelter <br />from hurricane events. The safe shelter spaces that currently exist only provide protection for wind speeds of <br />up to 60 m.p.h. Retrofitting existing public shelters with a hardened window protection will reduce that <br />shelter deficit and provide a safe haven for our evacuees for wind events of up to 145 m.p.h. <br />Section III. project Location (Fully describe the location of the proposed project.) <br />A. Site <br />1. Describe the physical location of this project, including street numbers (or neighborhoods) and zip codes; and if <br />available, please provide precise longitude and latitude coordinates for the site utilizing a hand-held global <br />positioning system (GPS) unit or Ute equivalent. <br />0 Glendale Elementary School <br />4940 r Street. <br />Vero Beach, FL. <br />27° 39'0611/080' 26' l3" <br />1 Is the project site seaward of the Coastal Co <br />nstntetion Control Line (CCCL}? 13 YES NQ <br />3. Provide the number of each structure type (listed below) in the project area that will be affected by the project. <br />That is, all strrtctures in project area. <br />residential properly busincsses 1 commercial property <br />public buildings X schools 1 hospitals t houses of worship <br />other <br />B. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) showing project Site <br />0 Attach a copy of the FIRM map, a copy of the panel information from the FIRM, and, if available, the <br />Floodway Map. FIRM Wraps are required for tlrls application (lf published foryour area), also, all artached <br />maps nrust have fire project site and structures clearly nrarked a+r the map. FIRMS are typically available <br />from your local floodplain administrator who may be located in a planning, zoning, or engineering office. <br />Maps can also be ordered from the Map Service Center at 1-800-359-9616. For more information about <br />F[RMs, contact your local agencies or visit the FiRM site on the FEMA Web -page at <br />httn:lfwvt w.fcrna•t?avlltomcf MSCf Itardculty.htnt <br />Using the FIRM, determine the flood zone(s) of the project site (Check all zones in the project area). <br />(see FIRM legend for flood zone explanations) <br />[I VE or V 1-30 11 AR or A l-30 <br />d AC m Al l ❑ A (no base flood elevation given) <br />* B or X (shaded) 0 C or X (unshaded) <br />❑ Floodway <br />C1 Coastal Barrier Resource Act (CBRA) Zone (Federal regulations strictly ]unit Federal funding for <br />projects in this Zone; please coordinate with your state agency before submitting an application for a <br />OBRA Zone project) <br />If the FIRM Map for your area is not published, please attach a copy of the Flood tla7zard Boundary Map <br />(F€iBM) for your area, with the project site and structures clearly marked on the map <br />Page 5 of 15 <br />