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TELEMETRY SYSTEM UPGRADE - WATER PLANTS AND <br />DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM/PROTECT IMPLEMENTATION - <br />COAMMCATIONS INTERNATIONAL AND HIS CONTROLS <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of September 10, 1996: <br />DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 <br />TO: JAMES E. CHANDLER <br />COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br />FROM: TERRANCE G. PINT <br />DIRECTOR OF *IIT VICES <br />PREPARED WILLIAM F. N, P.E.. <br />AND STAFFED CAPITAL P T EN EER <br />BY: DEPARTME F TY SERVICES <br />SUBJECT: TELEMETRY SYSTEM UPGRADE FOR WATER PLANTS AND <br />DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM/PROJECT IMPr: 4ZNTATION <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PROJECT NO. UW -94 -15 -WC <br />WIP NO. 471-000-169-235.00 <br />On April 11, 1995, the Indian River County Board of County <br />Commissioners approved the aforementioned project. (Please see the <br />attached agenda item and minutes.) The intent of this project was <br />to convert the County's water system telemetry from a dedicated <br />phone line system to an 800 Mhz radio system, utilizing the <br />services of vendors currently under contract to the County; i.e., <br />Communications International, Inc. and HTS Controls, Inc. <br />As the project proceeded, several unforeseen problems occurred. <br />First, a problem was realized with regard to the communication <br />protocol with the 800 system provider. All parties were proceeding <br />cooperatively in moving to a resolution of this problem, but with <br />an additional estimated cost to the County of $40,000.00. With <br />this addition, this has also become an extremely time-consuming <br />task. With the delay in implementation realized, the second <br />stumbling block appeared. With the full development of the <br />County's 800 Mhz communications system coming to fruition, the <br />total number of users had risen to the point that emergency <br />services expressed concern with the system being able to handle the <br />Utilities Department's needs with regard to this project. <br />With this in mind, the Utilities Department staff proceeded with <br />investigations for alternatives. We are now proposing to utilize <br />a 900 Mhz communications system for this project, utilizing the <br />same vendors that were previously approved and reusing portions of <br />their work as well. This can be done with a lower final project <br />cost and provide the Utilities Department with a system that is <br />totally dedicated to its own use without the fear of service <br />interruption during an emergency situation as may have occurred <br />with the expanded number of users now committed to the 800 Mhz <br />system. <br />ANALYSIS <br />The original price approved for the implementation of this project <br />is $76,690.00. (See attached agenda item and minutes.) Please see <br />a breakdown below of the redistributed costs and credits. <br />50 <br />24 <br />September P , 1996 BOOK 99 PAU � . <br />