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Exhibit A <br />04ARCADIS <br />The plan will be developed in alignment with other Department and Indian River County response plans to mirror <br />other agency response action levels and ICS roles and responsibilities. The ERP will provide detailed information <br />for planning purposes as well as emergency response actions in the form of a Rip and Run Guide for rapid <br />response by managers and operators. Arcadis will develop an ERP that is effective and meets USEPA and AWIA <br />expectations and requirements. <br />Task 3.1 — ERP Kickoff Meeting <br />Arcadis will conduct a document review to include a review of existing emergency response policies, plans, and <br />procedures, as well as Indian River County documents that support an ERP. An ERP needs list will be provided <br />for information not requested as part of the RRA. In addition, Arcadis will provide a proposed ERP Draft outline <br />that includes key response information, core components in a base plan that details the ICS, incident <br />management team (IMT) with roles and responsibilities, communication and notification, federal assistance <br />information, as well as appendices to operationalize the ERP. Following our review and outline construction, an <br />ERP kickoff meeting will be conducted to accomplish the following: <br />• Provide ERP process overview <br />• Discuss ERP review results <br />• Discussion and finalize an ERP outline per the Department's input at the meeting <br />• Establish and finalize interview topics and schedule with key Department representatives and <br />stakeholders <br />Arcadis will develop a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation presented for discussion during the kickoff. It is <br />anticipated that the kickoff meeting will require one and a half hours of key Department and stakeholder staff time <br />and will be conducted virtually. <br />Deliverables: <br />1. List of ERP informational needs <br />2. Draft ERP outline <br />3. Meeting presentation and kickoff meeting summary <br />4. Revised ERP outline <br />Task 3.2 — ERP Site Visit <br />The Arcadis team will conduct data collection meetings onsite in the form of workshops and interviews to obtain <br />information for the development of the ERP in collaboration with Department staff and external response <br />agencies. Meetings and interviews will be conducted in person, over the course of three days with three Arcadis <br />staff, based on the scheduling and availability of Department staff. Information and data will be discussed and <br />collected based on the preliminary meeting schedule and interview topics outlined below. Seven meetings <br />(duration provided in table below) are anticipated and include the topics and personnel identified in the table <br />below. Meeting agendas, topics, and questions will be submitted prior to the site visit. <br /> <br />