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6. Maximum Lot/Homesite Area: Allowed: 1 acre <br />Proposed: 1 acre <br />7. Open Space: Required: 60% <br />Provided: 80% <br />8. Traffic Circulation: Access to 49th Street for all four- <br />tracts <br />ou=tracts will be via the subdivision's roadway, proposed as a <br />single cul-de-sac in the center of the subdivision. The road <br />will be constructed as a stabilized unpaved road within a 60' <br />private road right-of-way. The LDRs allow such a road to be <br />unpaved, since the subdivision is private, generates less than <br />100 daily trips, and is located outside the Urban Service <br />Area. The traffic engineering division has reviewed and <br />approved the roadway layout. <br />9. Stormwater Management: The public works department has <br />reviewed and approved a conceptual stormwater plan. A <br />detailed engineering stormwater plan will be reviewed and <br />approved as part of the land development permit or permit <br />waiver process. <br />10. Utilities: The project will have on-site well and septic <br />tanks for each tract. These utility provisions have been <br />approved by the Utility Services and Environmental Health <br />Departments. <br />11. Dedications & Improvements: Although the existing 49th Street <br />right-of-way is only 301, less than the 80' ultimate road <br />right-of-way, no additional 49th Street right-of-way is <br />required from the subject site due to the location of the <br />Indian River Farms Water Control District canal right-of-way <br />between the subject site and 49th Street. <br />Since the proposed development is a low traffic <br />generator/attractor and is outside of the Urban Service Area, <br />the applicant is not required to provide sidewalks or <br />bikeways. <br />12. Concurrency: The applicant has obtained a conditional <br />concurrency certificate which satisfies concurrency <br />requirements related to the special exception use and <br />preliminary PD plan/plat requests. Therefore, all concurrency <br />requirements related to special exception use and preliminary <br />PD plan/plat approval have been satisfied. <br />13. Environmental Issues: Since the site is over 5 acres, the <br />native _upland set-aside requirements of section 929.05 <br />potentially could apply. However, based upon an inspection of <br />the site by the county's environmental planning staff, staff <br />has determined that no native upland habitat exist on the <br />site. Therefore, no native upland habitat preservation <br />requirements apply. <br />14. Waivers: The applicant is not requesting any waivers through <br />the PD process. <br />15. Buffers and Setbacks: Given that the surrounding area is <br />presently used for agricultural purposes, no special buffering <br />is required under the planned development LDRs. Since the A-1 <br />district minimum 30' setback exceeds the 25' perimeter PD <br />setback, the 30' A-1 district setback will control. The plan <br />proposes a minimum distance of 50' from any building envelope <br />to any adjacent property with an active agricultural <br />operation. Such a separation distance exceeds the LDR 50' <br />separation distance applicable to such circumstances. <br />21 <br />April 22, 1997 BOOK 101 FAGE 199 <br />