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600K 104 FAGE 40`qJU <br />because of Pipers TCE contamination spill. Should not- any added cost factor, current <br />or future to anyone be Pipers responsibility? They are the "Primary Responsible Party", <br />PRP- in E.P.A. language. I request Mr. Galanis's comments be make part of todays <br />minutes for permanent public reference. , <br />BUT MUCH MORE SO OF COURSE On Jan 13th. - Othec Commissioner Macht <br />and Ginn, the response was sots concern by this commission- which did not begin to <br />address the concerns Mr. Turner wrote to Vero's City Manager about, and received <br />NO real answer. These are the same concerns we emphasized to you three weeks ago. <br />I must repeat: What was the health affects during the time the TCE Chemical spill had <br />not yet been detected, prior to 1978, then during the 3 years after detection where <br />records show nothing was accomplished. , and then during a time from when Piper was <br />attempting some clean up. Although the TCE levels are substantially lower & tests can <br />show safe water. AGAIN what might the situation been during the est. 15 year period <br />when we may not have evidence of absolutely safe water. 1975 to 1990. <br />You must take Into consideration City Attorney Robert Sechen recently proclaimed to a <br />City Council during secret closed meetings he called and directed:: <br />"There are alot of rights that the City of Vero Beach COULD HAVE FOUGHT PIPER <br />OVER, every step of the way, BUT YOU ALL (THE CITY) DIDN'T DO THAT, you <br />wanted to help them and work with them. End Quote: <br />Since Piper did in fact cooperate with attempts to "clean up", it is logic that perhaps the <br />City did not look into the PUBLIC HEALTH DANGER, and environmental damages. <br />Why do they refuse to produce evidence of any such research and the results. <br />Beyond health concerns, City owned properties had marketability affected in several <br />ways by the Piper chemical spill. Certainly back then when the Good Old Boy form of <br />government was prevalent, friendships with Piper with 3000 employees may have <br />prevented anyone from upsetting the "Golden Apple", and perhaps- eyes were not very <br />wide open, or perhaps the City deliberately did not pursue things that might harm Piper <br />as the City Attorney quite boldly has recently stated. <br />Again— this is a county issue as covered in my 3 page presentation three weeks ago. <br />There are obvious reasons the City is choosing- AGAIN to keep their head in the sand. <br />Legal processes relating to these issues with regard to actions they illegally discussed <br />and voted on pertaining to these VERY Issues— contamination, public health and <br />environmental harm, at closed secret meetings where the public and media was kept out. <br />Therefore, they are extremely hostile, defensive, and angry because they are being called <br />on these actions, and therefore refuse to do anything today against Piper. <br />You- do not have- the City's dilemma, and this problem and the contamination did <br />affect this county also. <br />Just last week Mr. Turner and I had discussion with Dr. Wang, of Harbor Branch <br />Scientific research foundation. He is credited with finding the trichloroethylene and <br />clororoform, contamination from Piper. One astounding revelation from.him in a <br />written public record document is that high level (apparently 68 ppb) was found in two <br />Vero Beach homes In 1978. One on the barrier Island and one on mainland. <br />The further fright in this find is quite simple. One water treatment plant furnished all <br />water users in the City and County. How many other households had TCE in their <br />drinking water ? 100 ? 1000 ? or even every single water user ? <br />Water then served the Mueller college and Tropicolony subdivision. There may be no <br />problem to find today- but that Is the point- it was back then when un detected health <br />hazards may have been overlooked or intentionally ignored. <br />Since out discussion three weeks ago we found massive and startling documents. <br />Example 1. A former City Manager wrote: Quote: "I would ask that the Well # 15 <br />matter remain CONFIDENTIAL (I ask. why confidential), until we have concluded our <br />February 3, 1998 <br />!�J <br />0 0 <br />