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Last modified
7/23/2015 12:10:55 PM
Creation date
6/17/2015 10:35:28 AM
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investigations and reached a meeting of the minds with DER and Piper on the future of <br />this well. My reason for commenting is to impress on you the potential magnitude of <br />such problems and to convince you that they can and have happened here.(underlined) " <br />End Quote. <br />So just what has the City done about g_otential public health concerns at that time, or <br />today. The present City Manager Taylor-- wont answer. <br />Example 2. In a letter in 1979, W. Bosteick Jr. State of Fla. Dept. Environmental <br />Regulation wrote: "As stated in the Register, for the MAXIMUM PROTECTION OF <br />HUMAN HEATH from potential carcino-genic effects of exposure to trichloroethylene <br />through ingestion of water- and contaminated aquatic organisms, the ambient water <br />concentration if ZERO" End Ouote: etc. Please read this letter in full. <br />In 1979 Elliot Grosh Vero's Water Sewer manager thanks Dr. Wang from Harbor <br />Branch for 'IDENTIFYING TRICHLOROETHYLENE IN THE CITYS WATER SUPPLY <br />The groundwater contamination then resulted in the LOSS of our LARGEST WATER <br />SUPPLY WELL. (other wells were threatened also). <br />There is so much more history I cannot cover today so I plea to you to obtain complete <br />sets of the documents and include in a complete study. <br />Example 3. My last reference today will be a letter in 1981 from the Gen. Mgr. of Piper. <br />"It is imperative that we take all necessary steps to stop any further infiltration of <br />trichloroethylene in the aquifer- and wells. IT IS DOUBLY URGENT SINCE LITTLE <br />OR NOTHING HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED SINCE THE PRESENCE OF TICE IN <br />VERO BEACH CITY WATER OCT. 1978 by Dr. Wang. (3 years) <br />Mr. Turner and I had a conference with Dr. Wang and his superior N. Myron Gunsalus <br />Jr, Harbor Branch Director. He gave me permission for a statement to this commission. <br />Harbor Branch would consider new studies to evaluate what TCE effects may have <br />occurred since Dr. Wang made the discovery in 1978, IF YOU REQUEST IT. <br />What more can I say. Yes w are reasonable sure City water is safe today, BUT in my <br />opinion it is nothing less that imperative that you research all the records and take up <br />Harbor Branch's offer to research past potential health effects. Please do not just give <br />up rights you may also have against Piper the Primary Responsible Party. Nationwide <br />there is accountability going on for environmental damages done many years ago. <br />IIS TALK ARE ATTACHED: <br />RECEIVED <br />FEB - 3 1998 <br />CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />????? We the public should learn IF it is true that Piper had a large culvert overflow of <br />their waste chemicals flowing into the north south drainage ditch (on their west property <br />line) and into the main relief canal into the Indian River for many years. <br />February 3, 1998 <br />43 <br />60UK FGEz_ <br />
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