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BOOK 104 PAGE 192 <br />Commissioner Eggert advised that the Public Health Primary Care Committee had met <br />recently and agreed that it is necessary to look back at all the Public Health medical records, <br />both adult and children. The committee had not previously concentrated on adults. This <br />investigation is on-going. <br />Commissioner Ginn wanted to hear more about Harbor Branch's offer, and Mr. Zorc <br />indicated that he was interested in having Harbor Branch do research for the Board, and it <br />would not cost to talk to them. <br />Vice Chairman Macht thought it would be valuable to know the affect of that level <br />of TCE over a period of time. He wanted the information dispatched to the American Brain <br />Tumor Association to see what they might say about it since, in his opinion, there is a high <br />incidence of a particular type of cancer in the county. <br />Commissioner Eggert thought it would be a good idea to invite Dr. Wang of Harbor <br />Branch to see what their study would encompass. <br />Commissioner Adams wondered where this would lead and was not sure what the <br />County's jurisdiction is on City wells. She felt the County should not assume the financial <br />liability for the costs of whatever they decide to do. <br />Commissioner Eggert pointed out that they could go under Public Health and felt it <br />was the County's responsibility to look into it. <br />Commissioner Adams indicated that was what she was looking for; also that there is <br />some accountability down the road. She thought the County should not be absolving and not <br />assuming all the responsibility. <br />Commissioner Eggert agreed but felt it was important to learn what scope of help the <br />County should be seeking and from whom. <br />Vice Chairman Macht added that many county residents are on city water. <br />Environmental Health Director Michael J. Galanis confirmed that there were a <br />number of years where there was some contamination in Well #15 in the late 1970's, he <br />believed. There have been no studies on the effects of it. TCE is aotp ential cancer-causing <br />contaminant. He explained that the delineated area is an area established around all "super - <br />fund" sites in the United States, and the delineated areas specify special well construction <br />as a safety measure. He was not sure there was an indication of a necessity for a long term <br />study. As he had stated previously, that is one of many other incidents in Indian River <br />County, but it happens to have affected a large well and a large number of people. <br />February 3, 1998 <br />44 <br />0 0 <br />