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BOCK J 1 J r A G E 750 <br />Phasing: Phase I will consist of the main road. all of the other core infrastructure including <br />utilities, the master stormwater system. and the golf course. Subsequent phases will consist <br />of the residential pods and the utilities necessary to serve those pods. <br />S. Environmental Issues: <br />Uplands: Since the site is over 5 acres. the native upland set aside requirement of <br />LDR section 929.05 applies. There are three separate areas of native upland <br />communities comprising a total of 43.79 acres of native upland habitat on the overall <br />446.5 acres. <br />Based upon the county's specific criteria for golf course development. at least 30% <br />of existing native uplands within the project's proposed golf course area must be <br />preserved. Existing native uplands in non -golf course areas are subject to the county- <br />wide 15% setaside requirement. The conceptual plan accommodates these <br />requirements and the preliminary PD plan will provide specific setaside calculations. <br />Wetlands: The majority of the wetlands on the project are impounded estaurine <br />wetlands along the eastern edge of the development. The only freshwater wetlands <br />associated with the project are jurisdictional wetlands in grove ditches which will be <br />filled as part of the development. The applicant is proposing only minor impacts <br />within the estuarine wetlands. Such impacts relate to a proposed boardwalk and <br />observation gazebo on the river. An existing din road that crosses the wetland area <br />will remain and provide access for the Mosquito Control District and project <br />pedestrians. As indicated earlier in this report. the PD plan accommodates estuarine <br />wetland conservation. To ensure such conservation. it is staff's opinion that the <br />developer should provide a conservation easement over the estuarine wetlands either <br />prior to or via the PD final plat. A formal mitigation plan will be approved via <br />jurisdictional agency and county wetland resource permits for this project. <br />Endangered Species: Staff is not aware of any endangered species which will be <br />significantly impacted by the proposed development. <br />9. Concurrency Management: A conditional concurrency certificate has been issued for this <br />project. Thus. all concurrency related requirements related to conceptual PD plan and <br />rezoning approval have been satisfied. <br />10. Stormwater Management: As with standard single-family subdivisions. a conceptual <br />stormwater management plan is required prior to conceptual PD plan approval. For this <br />project. a conceptual stormwater management plan has been approved by the Public Works <br />Department. This plan proposes a system of stormwater ponds within the golf course and . <br />residential pods. Final review and approval of the stormwater management plan shall be <br />accomplished through the land development permit process. <br />11. Thoroughfare Plan: <br />June 20, 2000 <br />The Thoroughfare Plan classifies US #1 as a major arterial roadway which requires <br />an ultimate right-of-way of 160'. Presently. 120' of right-of-way exists for US #1. <br />The proposed conceptual plan accommodates dedication/acquisition of the additional <br />20' of right-of-way needed from this project site to achieve the ultimate right-of-way <br />width. Therefore. the PD plan is consistent with the US #1 Thoroughfare Plan <br />standard. <br />68 <br />