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9.A.1. PUBLIC HEARING - WINDSOR PROPERTIES - <br />CONCEPTUAL PD PLAN MODIFICATION AND <br />EXPANSION (Legislate <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE <br />CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of July 26, 2000: <br />TO: James E. Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />D S ON HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />Or 9 <br />Robert M. Keating, AICP <br />Community Developmen Directo <br />THROUGH: Stan Boling, AICP <br />Planning Director <br />FROM: John W. McCoy, AICP �� �� <br />Senior Planner, Current evelopment <br />DATE: July 26, 2000 <br />SUBJECT: Windsor Properties' Request for Conceptual PD Plan Modification and <br />Expansion <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal consideration by the Board of County <br />Commissioners at its regular meeting of August 8, 2000. <br />PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: <br />Knight, McGuire & Associates, Inc. has submitted an application for approval to modify the <br />Windsor conceptual PD plan. No increase in the density or total number of units is proposed by <br />adding new property to the overall project site. <br />The applicant is proposing to add 3.95 acres of multi -family zoned property to the overall Windsor <br />planned development project and add a PD waiver request. The "expansion" property consists of <br />an existing 3 lot subdivision known and platted as the Ocean Bluff subdivision. This expansion <br />property is located on the east side of SR A -1-A just south of the existing Windsor development. <br />AUGUST 8, 2000 <br />BK 114PG45 <br />-31- <br />