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Please see attachment #2. The expansion parcel will be added to an existing Windsor 19.98 acre <br />oceanfront parcel to form a 23.93 acre Windsor oceanfront parcel. The proposed modified <br />conceptual PD plan proposes single-family units on the entire 23.93 acre parcel, which is within the <br />RM -3 (Residential Multi -Family District up to 3 units per acre) zoning district. <br />• Planning and Zoning Commission Action <br />At its regular meeting of July 13, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously <br />(7-0) to recommend approval of the addition of the property to the project and the additional waiver. <br />ANALYSIS: <br />1. Zoning Classifications: RS -3, Residential Single Family District (up to 3 units per acre), <br />and RM -3, Residential Multi -Family District (up to 3 units per acre). <br />2. Land Use Designation: L-1, Low Density Residential (up to 3 units per acre) <br />3. Overall Windsor Project Size: Existing Conceptual Plan: 415.55 acres <br />Proposed Addition: 3.95 acres <br />Tom: 419.50 acres <br />4. Units/Density: Approved: 400 units at a density of 0.96 units/acre <br />Proposed: 400 units at a density of 0.95 units/acre <br />The project's highest density is located within Windsor's "village" area. The total number <br />of overall Windsor project units (400 units) will not change if this application is approved. <br />The density will drop slightly due to the additional land area. <br />5. Utilities: The existing development is served by public water and wastewater, and will <br />continue to be served by these facilities. Utility Services has no objection to approval of the <br />proposed modifications. The utility lines which serve the expansion area will be connected <br />with the utility system that currently serves Windsor and will be looped back to the utility <br />lines in the SR A -1-A right-of-way. <br />6. Traffic Circulation: The overall traffic circulation plan will remain the same. The traffic <br />engineering department has reviewed and approved the overall internal traffic circulation <br />system. The existing S.R. A -1-A entry in the expansion area will be closed, and the lots will <br />be accessed through an extension of an existing internal local road within Windsor that runs <br />parallel to S.R. A -1-A. <br />7. Parking: All residential units at Windsor will be designed to accommodate two or more <br />vehicles either in garages or within other private parking areas. Therefore, county parking <br />requirements are accommodated and will be satisfied. <br />8. Stormwater Management: The overall conceptual stormwater management plan will <br />remain the same, and the proposed PD modifications will not alter or adversely affect <br />Windsor's master stormwater system, which can accommodate the proposed 3.95 acre <br />addition. Public Works has no objections to approval of the proposed PD modification and <br />integration of the "Ocean Bluff stormwater system" into Windsor's master system. - <br />auGusT s, z000 BK 114 PG 486 <br />• -32- 0 <br />