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7/23/2015 12:14:19 PM
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6/16/2015 3:45:48 PM
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C <br />9. Environmental Issues: There are no unaddressed environmental issues related to this <br />proposal. All environmental issues were addressed with the Ocean Bluff Subdivision <br />approval and previous Windsor conceptual PD plan approval conditions. Those conditions, <br />which include sea turtle lighting and upland conservation easements, will remain in effect <br />for the original site and the 3.95 acre addition. <br />10. Required Improvements: Given the project's location, the following improvements are <br />required: <br />A 5' wide sidewalk on the east side of SR A -1-A. As allowed by the LDRs, the <br />developer has chosen in the past to bond -out this improvement in segments along <br />with the preliminary PD approvals for development phases on the east side of SR A- <br />1 -A. <br />An 8' wide bike path on the west side of SR A -1-A. This improvement was <br />addressed by Windsor via a previous developers agreement. <br />Thus, the developer is complying with all county sidewalk and bikeway requirements. <br />11. New and Modified Design Waivers: By incorporating the expansion area into the PD, the <br />planned development waivers for the Windsor project will control development of this area. <br />The lot size and setback minimums applicable to the expansion area will be the same as the <br />standards applicable to Windsor's existing oceanfront lots, which are: a 1,000 sq. ftp <br />minimum lot size and a 0' setback on the front, rear, and sides. The setback from the ocean <br />is a function of DEP permitting if any construction is proposed seaward of the CCCL. <br />The applicant is requesting that an additional planned development waiver be granted with <br />the modified conceptual plan. The proposed waiver would allow for building eaves to <br />overhang (encroach) over the adjacent residential lots up to 3 & 1/2'. This is a common <br />feature in zero lot line developments; most of Windsor is approved as a zero lot line <br />development. The new waiver would apply only where zero lot line homes could be built. <br />The applicant has owner documents making provisions for maintenance access for such <br />strictures that need to be maintained by accessing the neighboring lot. <br />12. Conceptual Plan Changes: The only conceptual plan changes proposed are the addition of <br />the 3.95 acre Ocean Bluff subdivision into the overall Windsor project and the modifications <br />necessary to connect the expansion area infrastructure into Windsor's infrastructure along <br />with the above reference PD waiver. The existing subdivision will be replatted as part of the <br />Windsor development. There are two existing homes in the subdivision. The northern one <br />will be removed, while the southern house will remain. A total of 3 lots will comprise the <br />expansion area, and there will be no increase in the overall number of units within Windsor. <br />The total number of units will remain at 400. <br />nuGusT s, 2000 BK 114 PG 487 <br />-33- <br />0 <br />
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