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Harry W. Fersch appeared before the Board regarding tioad Bast of State Koad fP4 to his <br />place just mouth of Vero death. The Board agreed to have this work done just as soon as <br />possible. <br />it eras ordered that A.. L. p=ort, Vero Beach, be placed on the pauper list to receive the <br />sum of 06.00 per month until the further orders of tins Board. <br />J. T. Glover appeareca before the Board and requested pay for attending M. A. Carrier <br />at the hospital and who waas a charge on the County. He admitted he was serving a sentence <br />for driving an auto while intoxicated at the time. The Board disclaimed any liability. <br />Miss Yaanillaa wells, Home Demonstration Agent made her report to the Board and requested <br />that an item be placed in the Budget to carry on the Home Demonstration work for another <br />year in this County. <br />The applications of Miss Alice 0 xelseth and Miss Leila M. Bunkley for appointment as <br />County Nurse was received and read. Ro action was taken on this matter. <br />W. F. Cox appeared before the Board respecting road in the negro quarters west of <br />Wabaasso, such road being 1/2 mile wast of Lateral "A". it was ordered when owners execute <br />deed or easement for right-of-way the road will be opened up. <br />The following resolution was adopted: <br />RE S 0 L U T IO Xt <br />Commissioner Mudge introduced the following,resolution and moved its adoption, to -wit: <br />'WHEREAS, there are a considerable number of roads and highways situated in Indian River <br />County, Florida., and generally used by the public as public roads and which said roads and <br />highways, including the bridges which are a part thereof, have been designated by acts of the <br />State Legislature axs ° State roads; and <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County is a small County and its sources of revenue are limited <br />and its said roads are generally used by tourists and by residents of this State in traveling <br />from the leo rth to the South end of the state and return and said road system has in itz more <br />bridges covering canals and streams of water than any other County in Florida; and <br />WHEREAS, it should not be the entire responsibility of ,Indian River County to maintain <br />said roods which are for the most part used by the traveling public resident elsewhere than <br />in Indian River County and the sources of revenue of said County are so limited that it is <br />impossible for the Board of County Commissioners of said County to properly maintain said <br />roads and bridges; and <br />WZ EAS, the State Road Department of the State of Florida has available in and about <br />Indian.River County, Florida, all necessary equipment and personal for the purpose of main- <br />. •� <br />taining said roads and bridges in said County and such equipment and , personnel could be used <br />for said purpose at small expense to the Btate .Road Department whereby said roads and bridges <br />may be maintained at a much less cost than would necessarily be expended by the Baiaard of <br />County Commissioners of said County for said purpose in view of their lack of equipment and <br />personnel; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of In than River County, Florida, that <br />the saa.d Board does herewith respectfully request and urge the state Road Department of the <br />State of Florida to take over and maintain all roads and bridges in Indian River County, <br />which have been heretofore designated as state roads by acts of the Legislature of the St ate <br />of Florida. <br />The motion for the aadoption of the resolution being duly seconded, it was declared <br />:adopted upon roll call by unanimous vote. <br />The Board then resolved itself into a Board of Equalizers of taxes for the purpose of <br />hearing complaints and receiving testimony as to the value of any property, real, personal or <br />mixed, as fixed by the County Tax Assessor of tames for assessment for the taAes of the year <br />