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State Tuberculosis Sanitorium, Orlando, Florida. On Motion made by C. 8: Michael, seconded by <br />S. E. Glover and carried the application was approved and the request granted with the proviso <br />that Mr. S. B. Jones pay the County's portion of the Hospitalization cost for the first month <br />and also one half ofthe remainder of the County's cost until such time as the County can assume <br />the total responsibility. <br />Mr. Crawford Bickward, Orlando, Florida representing the Central Florida Exposition <br />in Orlando, appeated before the Board and requested an exhibit from this County stating that the <br />Exposition would furnish the space and make a cash grant of $300.00 and he further stated that <br />in addition thereto it would be necessary for the County to appropriate the sum of $200.00 plus <br />the expense of setting up and maintaining the exhibit. Mr. E. G. Thatcher, Secretary Chamber <br />of Commerce,. also appeared before the Board, endorsed the exhibit and suggested that Mr. Geo. <br />T. Tippin be employed to handle same. lifter careful consideration the Board decided that in <br />view of the limited amount budgeted for publicity purposes that the money could be used to a <br />better advantage by being spent within the County. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County Nurse appeared before the Board and made a report on her <br />activities for the month of October as follows, to -wit: <br />NURSES MONTHLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1938 <br />Total Number of cases for the month were <br />Total number of visits for the month were <br />Number of homes visited <br />Number of visits in behalf -of these cases <br />Number of V. D. Clinics <br />Number of Treatments <br />Number of cases to doctors <br />Number of cases to dentists <br />Number of cases to local hospital <br />185 <br />200 <br />58 <br />72 <br />3 <br />44 <br />25 <br />4 <br />10 <br />One cancer case was sent to Dr. Kirby Smith, Jacksonville for X-ray treatment. One <br />case was sent for X -Ray of chest to Good Samaritan Hospital. <br />A conference wus held with -the midwives, at which time bags were inspected and regis- <br />trations were completedp <br />A class in Home Hygiene was organized at the Winter Beach School. <br />All white schools were visited. Two new T. B. cases, one white, and one colored, have <br />completed applications for the State Sanatorium. <br />Ten cases other th4n medical relief were investigated and given assistance. <br />It was ordered Mrs. J. U. Tillis be removed from the paupers list. <br />It was ordered Mrs. J. R. Conniff, Winter Beach, be removed from the paupers list as <br />she is now receiving Aid to Dependent Children. <br />It was ordered Sarah Padgett receive the sum of $15.00 per month in lieu of $10.00 <br />until the further orders of the Board. <br />It was ordered Mrs. George Welling, Sebastian, Florida, receive the sum of $15.00 <br />from the General Revenue Fund. <br />It was ordered John Bostic, Gifford, Florida, be placed on the paupers list to receive <br />the sum of $6.00 per month until the further orders of the Board. <br />It was ordered Ethel Peddie receive the sum of $15.00 per month in lieu of $10.00 unt <br />the further orders of the Board. <br />Mother's Pension application from Mrs. J. U. (Elizabeth) Tillis, Vero Beach, was ap- <br />proved for the sum of $15.00 per month until the further orders of the Board. <br />1 <br />